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Status Updates posted by GreenePony

  1. Submitted my very last paper for grad school!

    1. Munashi


      Must feel good! Way to go!

    2. fuzzylogician


      Um, not counting the dissertation/thesis, right?

    3. PhDerp


      Or for paperwork? :)

  2. Named of the two outstanding mst ug students of the year- what a way to validate my choices!

    1. cokohlik


      YAY!!!! :D Congratulations!!!

    2. GreenePony


      Thanks! The other honoree is a good friend so it's even better

    3. cokohlik


      Awesome! :D I hope you get to celebrate tonight!

  3. I'm done with grad school!

    1. Munashi



  4. Registered for my first semester of grad school, I guess this is really happening

    1. Hank Scorpio

      Hank Scorpio

      Exciting stuff! I'm waiting to get my grad school email addy..then it'll really be happening for me.

  5. I can't I'm saying this- but I think it may actually be hard to leave my UG town in less than a month

  6. A month out and I still don't have a text list or finacial aid approval (2-3 months, seriously?)

  7. Made it into my apartment for the next two years, never ever doing a 1500 mile move again. Ever.

  8. Orientation today... not as excited as I thought I would be

  9. A month later, the online system finally updated with my rejection. Thank you for the reminder, really.

  10. Well that is disappointing

  11. My personal deadline is approaching and we are still divided. Apparently employers care less about that those.

  12. In an effort to keep busy while trying to make a decision, I took up a hand-sewing project. I still have not made a decision, and now have lost feeling in the tips of my fingers.

  13. Now decision time- kind of. Still praying for some funding to come through with the official letter.

  14. Finished my undergrad classes! Now for the papers...

  15. Just emailed in my last ug final and paper- 3.5 months to kill until it all starts up again.

  16. Graduating from ug today!

  17. So excited, looks like I will likely have a friend in the same program in the fall!

  18. I think I'm going to love living closer to friends and family during grad school

  19. It's going to be hard leaving my ug since DH and I are so emotionally invested in it- but Nat'l Champs is a nice way to close our time out. Sic'em!

  20. Excuse me while I run in circles- a school cashed my application fee!

  21. Applied for a fantastic pt position that would last the entire length of the MA program- but it's so fantastic I'm sure the rest of the program is applying too.

  22. Easiest way to reach a decision- let DH's employer make it. Hope it works.

  23. Looks like we finally have an apartment for grad school!

  24. Less than 4 weeks left in my first semester- hurray!

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