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Everything posted by buttercupracer

  1. BU didn't do interviews last year! Wonder why they changed. Good luck with this process everyone, I went through it last year and I remember how nerve wracking it was. I'm a first year graduate student this year and anyone is welcome to PM me questions if you have any
  2. Maybe a little bit late, but does anyone know if a Rush SLP class of 2014 facebook group exists? Or would there be interest in creating one?
  3. Hi everyone! Hopeful SLP, what do you think about Logan Square/Ukrainian Village/Bucktown areas in relation to Rush (or other neighborhoods close to the blue line?) What's your opinion about the areas closer to Rush, like University Village? I didn't get a really good sense of the surrounding area when I visited, other than the blocks of hospitals. Did you go to one of their preview days? I can't wait to meet everybody
  4. Edited for total reading comprehension/month confusion. I don't remember them saying anything about June, sorry!
  5. Declined my first school today & unsent the email twice. This is hard! Especially with not having all the financial information. I'm not saying it's a bad spot to be in, but it just feels like such a weighty decision, you know?
  6. Yeah, it seems even less precise for the health rankings than for some of the other areas they rank. At least for MBA and law programs, they look at factors like starting salary on completion, bar passing rate, GRE/GPA, etc., and even talk to professionals in the field, rather than only using faculty impressions. It seems like your overall impression of a program is much more important.
  7. Yeah, good question. Their FAQ says "All the health rankings are based solely on the results of peer assessment surveys sent to deans, other administrators, and/or faculty at accredited degree programs or schools in each discipline. All schools surveyed in a discipline were sent the same number of surveys. Respondents rated the academic quality of programs on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding)...Peer surveys were conducted by the market research firm Synovate. [surveys were sent to] audiology programs and speech-­language pa­thol­ogy programs accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (response rate 55 percent and 31 percent, respectively)" Here are the links: http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2012/03/12/methodology-graduate-health-rankings http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2012/03/12/how-us-news-calculated-the-2013-graduate-school-rankings
  8. I got an email that linked to https://app.applyyourself.com, which had a link under my list of providers called "Decision Status: Available beginning 3/7/2012". When I clicked on it, there was a pop up of my acceptance letter. Good luck!!
  9. Anyone considering TC Columbia notice their accepted students weekend is the 21st, a week after April 15th, a date many schools want you to decide by? I am thinking of calling them to see if I can set up a tour etc. sometime beforehand
  10. Mine was the (Bilingual Option: Initial Cert - Dual Certification) as well
  11. For TC I submitted my application on Jan 15th, and their deadline was the 1st or the 2nd, right? So not super early. My last name starts with B, if that's any help. Waiting feels awful when you know other people have heard, I hope you get good news from them soon!
  12. Thanks! Yeah it was me. I was sure I had been rejected or waitlisted since I hadn't gotten a phone call, but then the letter came in the mail today. It's possible they tried to call me but couldn't get through, as I have one of the world's most unreliable phones, but I don't know why they wouldn't have left me a message. Are you still waiting to hear from them? I live about an hour away, so I bet the letter didn't take very long to reach me.
  13. Wow, three admissions decisions within an hour! My speech path admissions stars must have aligned. Congrats & good luck to everyone!!
  14. Yeah, it doesn't look good. Did those who were accepted receive it too?
  15. Yep, that's what mine says, along with the "decisions by mid March". I'm anxious to hear back too, although I think it's one of my lowest chances since I'm not sure they'll accept my (primarily psychology and linguistics) coursework as satisfying all the prereqs :/
  16. Yeah right?! Congrats on your interview
  17. Nothing but that they received my application from CSDCAS only three days ago, when it was finally listed as 'mailed'
  18. This shouldn't come as a surprise, but I found out yesterday that MGH had over 400 applicants as well... though it's not as bad news since they have a larger class than some of the other programs.
  19. Not to talk on about this endlessly, since we'll be finding out in a month anyway, but when I talked to Rush today they said this year's pool of applicants was the 'biggest and brightest' and the remaining pool of applicants is 'around 1/3'.
  20. I don't know when these stats are from, but ASHA lists them as having 183 applications. I also tried calling them twice today but couldn't get through. Edited to add: They must have more than 183 this year, because a 1/5 of that is 37 people (thanks GRE math!). Does anyone know if they had the two round application process last year?
  21. Yeah, or the CSDCAS FAQ says that once your application has been e-submitted on your end, schools have access to it, but some choose not to look at it until it has been sent to them. Regardless, it will have been four weeks and two days past the submission and the schools' deadlines that my application will be mailed. When they say a month for processing they are not kidding
  22. Yeah, I did, although I had actually submitted it back in January because I thought the primary application and the supplemental were due at the same time. But this email says we can submit it without paying the fee, oops. It doesn't seem like it has that much more information than the primary application, does it? I'm also a little confused because CSDCAS only changed my application this week to 'verified', not mailed, and they say they only send out applications once a week on Fridays, so I guess Rush must have accessed my application from them before it was actually sent.
  23. Yeah, CSDCAS still lists my applications as 'complete/not verified' and it's two weeks past the deadline...what happened with you?
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