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Posts posted by redheadedasian

  1. Here's a random topic: a school that I was admitted to, but will not be attending, sent me a survey basically asking why I picked Rush instead. Is it possible to be TOO honest on these things? I was thoroughly unimpressed with this school and thought they had a right to know. I've already turned it in, but will it jeopardize my professional reputation even if I don't ever, say, apply for a job at this institution? What if someone who graduated from there ends up interviewing me? How honest do they really want you to be?

  2. I am! I'm applying to NYU, UNC-Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, and USF. I had a list of 20 schools when I started and I kept chopping it down because a lot of them weren't the right fit for me. I'm trying to find schools that incorporate some kind of creative elements (like NYU) or have a lot of diversity (one of the things I'm interested in is accent modification). I'm a city girl too and I'd love to get back to NY! I'm also taking the GRE's in late August and I'm observing my first speech pathologist next week. If I don't get in I'll finish all of the classes at USU's online program (I'm halfway through) and get a job as a SLP-A hopefully before I apply again. I've been freaking out for a while now and I think this might be the longest ten months of my life!

    You MIGHT want to add one or two more. Vandy and Chapel Hill are notoriously difficult to get into, and NYU is expensive with very little funding. Sorry if I sound like a downer, but believe me, I wish I'd known all this the first time I applied...

  3. I'm going to Rush! My boyfriend and I will be living in Medical District Apartments, one block away. I was a little wary of the horrible reviews it's gotten online, but a lot of those people sound like spoiled brats who need maintenance to fix everything for them. You really can't beat the location and amenities, and it's safe. I'm excited about being that close to Little Italy, but I will probably be living on no income, so trips there will probably have to be kept to a minimum :(

    Recently I have been throwing around the idea of not even bringing my car. Isn't it a huge hassle to bring your car to live out-of-state? I know Illinois has a lot of rules regarding parking. What do people think of walking/cabbing to the grocery store, or of having groceries delivered by PeaPod? Opinions/advice are appreciated!

  4. I'm sure there's already a thread about Chicago, but basically I'm looking for a neighborhood that is close to Rush University and with little risk of getting in the cross-fire of gang shooting, or getting mugged :unsure:. The stories about the recent shootings really scared me. However, I also hated driving in Chicago when I went to visit, so preferably a neighborhood that isn't too far by train. Is there anything that fits the bill?

  5. Having lived in Chicago, I would like to say that traffic there is pretty horrendous. I've never driven in Atlanta, to be fair, but it usually took my husband over an hour and a half to make the drive from Rush to our apartment (which, according to Google maps, is a 25 minute drive). It is possible to make it in Chicago without a vehicle, but relying on the CTA/eL makes things like grocery shopping difficult. I'd warn you about picking an apartment near the hospitals, but if you're familiar with Atlanta then I'm sure that you know how to stay safe.

    There is nothing, IMHO, that beats Chicago in the summers. Farmers' markets downtown, concerts, the lake breeze, it's all pretty amazing. Almost makes you forget about the -20 wind chills and crazy snowfalls in the winter. Reminds me that I need to plan a visit!

    I totally meant I wasn't going to drive in the WINTER in Chicago, since I'm not used to actual snow and ice. Don't know why I messed that up...

    And yes, the traffic was horrendous when I visited, hence my decision to take the train to school/clinic whenever possible. I realize it could be a long commute, but I think it would be a tossup time-wise compared to driving, and probably less stressful ultimately.

  6. This might be a stupid question, but how do we decline admission offers? Is there any etiquette/protocol for this? Do they just assume that you're not coming if you don't answer, or is writing an email/letter or making a call the decent thing to do? (I realize they can't do anything bad to you if you're not going there anyway, but still...?)

    In particular, I am curious about this for POIs at schools I am choosing not to attend. I really hit it off with one professor that interviewed me, and we corresponded via email afterward, but it looks like I am not going to accept the offer after all. Do I owe it to her to let her know (even though she is not one of the people I'd *have* to confirm or deny to)?

  7. On the other hand I don't like how much I would have to drive in Atlanta.

    Can't argue that. I hate driving in Atlanta with a passion. Even when I was hopelessly lost in Chicago with a bum GPS (the day before I visited Rush, where I'm hoping to end up), I didn't hate the driving as much. I'm probably going to use my car as little as possible if I go there, especially in the summer. But in Atlanta, it's either murderous-thought-inducing traffic and drivers, or MARTA (which is pretty scary)...

  8. Hey everyone!

    I am having difficulty deciding on where to go! I was accepted at Georgia State and West Georgia. I also applied to Auburn but I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I did my undergrad at Georgia State and kinda want a change but I'm not sure. Please help by giving your opinion!

    Hey, as a fellow person from Georgia, I'd say definitely go to Georgia State. That program is super competitive - I got an interview last year, but ultimately did not get accepted. The program at my undergrad (UGA) said that it's an excellent program. Just my two cents!

  9. My Tennessee interview went really well, but now I'm overanalyzing it because I don't see how anyone's couldn't have. It was so informal, and the professor talked more than I did. When she did ask me questions, it was like a casual conversation. I was still respectful and appropriate, but now I'm worried I could have given better answers. For instance, she asked me to tell her more about the woman with autism for whom I work as a companion, and all I did was describe a typical day (I help her cook, we go out and do fun things...). Grr...I said nothing about how I help her communicate! The professor seemed to like me, but in all honesty I'm racking my brain for anything I said that would make her pick me (and not someone else).

    To make matters worse, I toured the campus and now I really want to go! My only hope is that they already picked their class, and just invited us in for interviews to make sure we could speak properly ourselves... <_<

  10. Well, my undergrad institution, the University of Georgia, decided to accept me a second time! Pretty excited that I have options, but am a little more confused than when I applied. UGA's program has a MEd, MA, and MA to PhD. I applied for the third one because I could have a doctorate in 5 years, but since then I've done more research and realized what I really want is a clinical doctorate (SLPD or CScD). PhDs are more for people who have been practicing for years and decide to give it up and teach, right? Not a bogus idea for me, but not quite what I had imagined.

    UGA is ranked several spots higher than NYU, and the class is smaller, and it would be MUCH cheaper and I wouldn't have to move. On the other hand, though, NYU has an MS, and I really want to branch out. I'm not crazy about committing possible double "academic incest" (getting a masters and a PhD at my undergrad school), and I'm kinda sick of Georgia :(

    I'll see what happens after the NYU Open House, I guess. Can anyone shed any light on this PhD issue? Also, is an MS necessarily better than an MA for someone who wants to be a clinical/medical SLP?

  11. What was I thinking applying to 11 schools??? I'm sort of glad, since it upped my odds of getting in, but this is what my next two weeks look like:

    Work tonight, and then a 10-hour shift Saturday, and then someone is coming to cover the last half of my usually-ten hour Sunday shift so I can drive to Knoxville. Then interview Monday (it might snow in Knoxville that day, to make this even crazier), drive right back home, then Wednesday I essentially leave for New York (for the NYU Welcome Day) until Saturday, then my cousin's wedding shower, then I'm hiking Sunday through Tuesday, then back to the work grind. AAAHHHH!!!

    Luckily, though, I probably won't need to visit any other schools, even if I do get in. I've visited the ones I'm interested in.

    Everyone hang in there!

  12. Just got my first acceptance to UNC-Chapel Hill! Notification came via e-mail and said that a decision had been made and provided a link to the application log in page, where there was a new link that said "acceptance decision", and when I clicked it an acceptance letter came up! Good luck to everyone!!! :)

    Holy #$%^, congratulations! That program looks impossible to get into. You should be really proud of yourself!

  13. I think this would be a good response to an interview question I've heard a lot: "Tell me about a challenge you've faced and how you over came it" or something along those lines. Emphasize the positive aspects, not the rejection. I wouldn't put much weight behind how competitive the programs were (it could sound like an excuse and that you've lowered your standards this year). I think it's a good example of your perseverance and willingness to work hard for what you want! Good luck at your interview :)

    Good point. I think I'll just say (and this is mostly the truth) that I didn't research the programs thoroughly enough last year, and I wasn't a competitive applicant because of my lack of research and knowledge about SLP. This year I applied to different ones that more closely fit my interests and aspirations.

  14. I would not mention the rejection, as there is such a thing as confirmation bias. And why risk it?

    I know what you mean, but I think I'm going to mention it. I did a mock interview with my older cousin who is a business owner and interviews people all the time, and she seemed to think it was a good answer to the "challenge" question. I'll just emphasize that the reason I didn't get in was that I didn't know much about the field, and it showed in my SOPs and interviews last year. Hopefully, the professor interviewing me won't be swayed by that, since I've made it this far...

  15. Exactly, and if I find out I didn't get into Rush, my trip to New York will be a nice consolation prize :)

    Also on the bright side, NYU will probably be the only "admitted students" or open house thing I'll need to go to. I've visited Rush, Northwestern, and Longwood, I live five minutes from UGA and have toured their program already, I'm interviewing at Tennessee next week, and the others were safety schools whose purposes have diminished now that I've gotten in somewhere. There's a possibility I'd visit/attend the schools in Louisiana, but that's not too far from me.

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