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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey JPR, Any results so far? Hope things are turning out well!
  2. As I remember (it has been quite a few years) my quant score was quite middling (~600) whereas my verbal was much higher (~720) and my essay was a 5 or 5.5 (i cant remember). I only mentioned taking a few years off because I am not sure that i could get good recs right away. I got good recs from my professors from the department I just transfered from, but I am not sure they would be willing to send along another rec so soon after I have left. What do you suggest? I am afraid it might just be best to stick it out in Classics and spend my own time adding political science into my research.
  3. Hey all, Currently, I am entering my third year (1st post-MA at a new institution) of graduate work in the Classics. At this point in time, however, I am sensing my research interest beginning to change in new (and interesting ways) towards how ancient thinkers and ancient institutions have affected the development of modern political/democratic theory. As a result, I am not sure the best place for me to do the type of work I desire to is within a classics department (especially one that is very strong in literature and archaeology but has no faculty (either affliated or departmental) who specialize in the sort of issues I am interested in pursuing). All of this has led to consider leaving my department and applying for phd work in a political science department. While I am reticent to lengthen my time as a graduate student, I also want to avoid being unfulfilled by the research out of which I will build my academic career (not to mention the depressingly sad state of academic opportunities as a Classicist at the moment). I have plans to stick this year out (the fellowship support I have at my current institution is very good) and make sure my interests continue to trend in this new direction before making any major decisions. Still, however, I wonder what you all would recommend should be my next step should I decide Classics does not fit. I have experience teaching Latin at a secondary level and, at the moment, see myself teaching for several years before reapplying to Poly Sci grad programs. Does this sound sensical, or do you think my application would be warmly received if I applied directly out of my classics program? To help, here are some vital stats: 3.85 GPA, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa from a highly ranked liberal arts college. 4.0 GPA in my graduate program with a university-wide competitive fellowship at a leading public university. Teaching experience at both a secondary and post-secondary level Strong recommendations Winner of a national essay competition. What I dont have: I have never taken a class in political science. I have, however, used modern political theory in my research. I am looking to apply primarily to schools on the east coast for personal reasons: Harvard, Boston University, Brown, Yale, NYU, Columbia ect. What would I need to have a good chance at gaining admittance to these programs?
  4. Hey All, First, a little background: I have just completed a master's degree in Classics. Before I returned to school to complete that degree I taught high school Latin at a public school for a year after college. At the moment I am a PhD student in the Classics. Yet, I have decided that I do not want to enter the academic life of a classicist (poor job prospects, constant relocation ect.). I have always, however, had a real love and interest in education (I come from a long line of educators). Thus, I have been seriously considering going back to school for an advanced degree in education (with a primary focus on education policy/reform). I dont know if this would mean just getting an M.Ed or a doctorate (I love doing research and asking big questions; so that was never the problem behind leaving the PHD program in which I am currently enrolled). So, the question: How long should I go back into the working world (most likely as a Latin teacher) before I should reapply to graduate programs in education without looking like someone who is aimlessly jumping from academic program to academic program to avoid "the real world" (something which I am not trying to do)?
  5. urbsroma


  6. So on the day I accepted to my program of choice I also found out that one of the professors I would have liked to have worked with, who is also the department chair, is leaving the department for another position. Now, I have other options (including staying at my current graduate institution) but my girlfriend also attends school at this university and I do not want to do another year of long distance if I do not have to. The department is very well recognized in the field but more specifically in an area of study I am not going to specialize in. I trust that they will fill this position with another senior level faculty, but what do you think it says about the future of the department with the chair leaving. I, personally, understand his departure for several reasons. Although the department he is transferring to is not, I would say, as well respected as the department I am prepared to enter, it does have the largest research center for his specific sub-field. What should I do? I want to be with my SO and I think the department is still very good, although unsettled in the areas I will be dissertating. At the same time, I am not yet at the point where I am ready to establish the exact area in which I want to be my dissertation. Still, I dont want to be entering a department that is going into a down-turn when I do not have to.
  7. urbsroma

    Cincinnati, OH

  8. Anyone?
  9. These are the three choices I have to decide between. My interests lie in Roman Social/Cultural History with an emphasis on approaching these issues from a theoretically informed/interdisciplinary (literature and material culture) vantage point. Any suggestions which department would best meet my research needs as well as provide the best path towards landing a good faculty position?
  10. Job placement-wise, that is also hard to quantify. My field is in Classics and University #2 is very highly regarded in classical archaeology and places very well in that field. I, however, specilize in classical literature, which they graduate less phd's in and therefore it is harder to read how they do at placement.
  11. University #1: Where I am currently working--support is low (humanities program in flagship state university); good rapport with faculty; senior faculty in my specific field leaving will not know who will replace her before april 15th; girlfriends family from the area. University #2: Department where girlfriend is currently enrolled (though she isnt sure if she wants to stay for the doctorate--first year); best field-specific library in the country/world; larger faculty; better support (including modest summer funding); faculty member (and chair) I want to work with is openly shopping himself on the market, second faculty member in my field rumored to be looking to leave in the next year to two. University #3: Department with world renowned researcher in my field (less established than #2, but university as a whole more regarded); 30k/year funding package (university level fellowship); far away from girlfriend in city she is not enthused about possibly moving to in another year (LA); long move for me (currently in midwest, grew up in New England). I was all ready to accept at University #2 until I found out yesterday about these large faculty changes. What should I do? Stay at University #1 where I know the faculty and my girlfriend is comfortable moving back to? Go to University #2 and hope that they will hire senior faculty I will work well with when i start to dissertate? Take the money and stability of University #3 and hope that my girlfriend will come to like LA (and ditto for me?) I hate making decisions, and the continual movement of faculty at this time is making it even more difficult.
  12. Interesting to hear jpr....does anybody else know about the national reputation of Cincinnati? Several faculty members mesh well with my interest there, but it is in Cincinnati (not the greatest place) so moving there would be motivated by the fact that the department is held in very high regard (hopefully close to the top ten) anybody know about those new NRC rankings?
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