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Posts posted by loveapio

  1. Well the studios I saw on craigslist were close to the Charles MGH or Bowdoin subway stops. Although I know little about Boston I have heard that Beacon Street is a very nice place but expensive too, and in fact I was surprised myself to see studios for prices comparable to those in Cambridge.

    So the general opinion here is that there must me something wrong about them for that price? But besides that, is that area convenient for commuting to MIT? Looks like 1 or 2 subway stops...

  2. Hi everyone, and thanks for the tons of useful advice. Looks like I am going to MIT next fall, and I am looking for a studio or a 1 bedroom apartment - I would really prefer living on my own. The maximum I am willing to pay is 1000-1100$.

    I am not at all a Boston expert (international student, never been there before). I have taken a tour on craigslist just to see what the prices are in the various neighborhoods. I am wondering, why doesn't anyone mention Beacon Hill ? Looking at the map it seems not that far away from MIT - especially from the Sloan building (near the Longfellow bridge) which is where my classes would be. And it is supposed to be a nice neigborhood, right? From what I've seen on craigslist you can find a studio in that area for 1000$, and those studios seem to me much nicer than the ones I have found at comparable prices in, say, East Cambridge. But this of course is just the impression I have from Google maps street view and craigslist pictures. So, what have Bostonians to say about Beacon Hill? Would that be a reasonable choice for a MIT student or not?

    Also, another question: how safe is it to use a bike in Boston? If I could use the bike as a means of transportation it would be great, I don't mind about the cold, although I would not want to use a bike when there is frost on the streets...

    Thanks a bunch!!

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