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Everything posted by boilermaker

  1. guys its april 25th any news from Purdue mech Phd programe.
  2. ok then five days remaining till april 15th lets see.
  3. nopes, i am still waiting for purdue mech to get back on my phd app as well. I talked to vicki today and got the same old reply, that no denials have been made yet while admissions are still being sent out. classes start in aug and they are still dilly-dallying with lame responses, the slothfull lot of them. ((
  4. with funding ??? congrats btw.
  5. Lets hope we hear something from Purdue starting today, its been too long. the professor i am in touch with thier says that this year has been unusually bad since too many people have applied. Other than that he hasnt heard anything on my application yet and hence i am not too hopefull although i do hope that all the other poeple have better luck on this.
  6. guys has anyone heard from Purdue ME for Phd ??? My application is still under reveiw and no decision has been made yet on it. Although talking to them last week revealed this " There have not been any denials done as they will be finalizing admits by the 31st of this month." cryptic as it may be what i understand from it is that no one has been denied as yet but the admits will be finalized by end of this month. anyone else has some input would be grateful. ???
  7. i called up the grad office at purdue about two weeks ago and they said that my application is still under reveiw, which was the same as two weeks before that. I am also in touch with a professor thier who recently told me that this has been an unusually bad year as way too many people applied. I am quiet sure that i am dunked but lets wait and see. If anyone else has contacted the school please do let us know the update on the app process going on thier.
  8. guys anyone got any news from purdue mech E yet ??? or talk to the grad office people recently ??? thanks
  9. btw thier is one acceptance here at gradcafe for mech masters for an international student. so results it seems are coming out. ))) goodluk guys.
  10. dude its not uncommon for two or three profs to want you, but it mostly will depend on availability of funding and availability of projects that they think you could work on. let us know if the prof gets back with funding info.
  11. good good, i am quiet sure he will offer you a good deal, since he contacted you himself. i hope his projects are exciting to you. thanks for keeping us posted.
  12. thats great dude, that also means an RA i belive )) has he given you a time line before which you have to reply ???
  13. perfect lets see what happens, i am thinking of contacting them in two weeks or so. thanks
  14. that seems plausable so let me ask you again, she said that they will start on the 17th (with giving out the results) and continue giving out for a month, right. So we can expect ours anytime within 17th feb - 17th March approximately.
  15. he talked to the grad office ppl, but why would they tell you that results are out on the 17th of feb
  16. dude a guy i know contacted the grad school and apparently he was told that results would take another 3 weeks to roll out. strange ,,,,
  17. let me know if thier is any further development.
  18. @CanuckBoy, dude just heard from vicki she says that my app is still under review. and yes the results are just starting to go out. We are advised to check the online statuses. thanks.
  19. do you anyone who has received a decision till now ???
  20. thanks, is ur status under review ??? since mine is still holding for review and thats really worrying me.
  21. @ canuckBoy, I emailed the grad school last fri (17th Feb) havent gotten a reply yet. You say that Purdue will start giving out results from 17th Feb, when did you hear about that please ??? In addition last week (10th Feb) I emailed the advisor i am hoping to work with and he told me that the review is still going on and he himself has about 300 apps to review further. Thanks and gudluk to you.
  22. yup, and the crummy part is that ive only applied to PU - Mech.
  23. at least they are replying to the emails in addition here are some stats that i found from the grad cafe archives they may not give an accurate pic but may serve as an indication In 2011 mech started reporting approx by 24 feb in 2010 by 12 feb in 2009 by 24 feb so they shud start this year between 15th to 25th feb i think.
  24. i am sure the other departments too had that many apps but they seem to be rolling out results. ahh well lets hope they get to the decisions soon. i am planning to email them in mid feb somewhere. Lets see.
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