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  1. No SSHRC for me!
  2. I'm not sure there is any method to the madness.
  3. No results for me either, committee 5 as well.
  4. If anyone wants any info on UVic CSPT/Poli Sci MA or York PhD Political Science feel free to PM me.
  5. I'm also in Toronto, and I received my letter on May 1.
  6. I don't know what the probability is, and you're obviously in a good position regardless, but I was waitlisted (#1 alternate, mind you) for a SSHRC in my MA and received an award in August.
  7. A notice of a successful application is significantly thicker than the losing one. The letter I received last year when I wasn't successful was much thinner because it didn't contain as many pages.
  8. Hi everyone, my letter came today. 26/30. Stats are a couple pages back. Best of luck to y'all still waiting. I was on the west coast the last 2 years so I feel your pain.
  9. I haven't received a letter yet. Heard internally. Hopefully tomorrow. Then I will post my score. Again, to all those who were less fortunate in the crap shoot that is SSHRC, I know how it feels, several times, but don't let it bog you down. It says nothing about your abilities as a scholar, nor is it the reflection of anything resembling an 'objective' process. For example, I won a CGS but failed to win OGS. Weird right? You made it this far, so you've proven you're in an excellent position to receive an award next time around. And for those who were successful, congratulations, but realize this is by no means the last tormenting funding application experience you will endure!
  10. Was just informed I won a CGS. Unreal. Congratulations to all the winners and all the best to those who weren't successful this year. I am 2/4 for SSHRC (wasn't successful in 1st year master's and going into PhD) so I know the feeling from both sides. 1st year PhD at the time of application (applied to econ, polisci, law, business, mgmt committee) 1 peer reviewed review essay (in top-tier journal of sub-discipline) 2-3 other publications (reports for NGO) 2 conferences at the time of application (one provincial, one national) Several RAships/TAships 'Practical' experience in research area (volunteer work) MA SSHRC Several other small internal awards Was nominated for an international thesis award at the end of my MA (was ultimately unsuccessful) Excellent letters of reference, one of which is from a major figure in the discipline My proposal was top-notch - like others, I did FAR too many revisions. All the best to the rest of y'all. I'm so glad I never have to check this forum ever again. Goodbye everyone, you've been too kind.
  11. Yep nothing here either. FUCK
  12. Oh god, hopefully that's not the case in TO. I can't wait another day lol...
  13. I won't receive my mail for a few hours yet.
  14. I think they are basing their decision on a 'slippery slope' logic - if they give the results to one person, then a number of people (in the hundreds for bigger schools) will call and harass them. Or they just don't want to be the bearers of bad news, or potentially both.
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