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Everything posted by 10sor

  1. Same here, but judging from the number of people getting this news, they have a LOT of us on the list.
  2. @DingDong306 Stanford's ME admit day is 4/6. Good luck.
  3. @Golgotha Yep, me too. I applied for MS though. I thought you would've been admitted for sure given your pub record and undergrad at MIT... Are PhD admissions still handled by a committee? It seems like profs should have the final say when it comes to taking students directly into their labs.
  4. ^^ Were the emails for Stanford MS or PhD? I applied for MS and haven't heard anything yet... Quite a few of my friends were admitted to the MS program without funding in early Feb. My background is similar to many of theirs, so I hope it'll turn out alright.
  5. I'm still waiting on MIT as well. Did anyone else get in? Based on previous years' results, they send out most acceptances within a span of a few days. The decisions released later in March are almost always rejections...
  6. School: top 5 US engineering Major: mechanical eng Minor: biology Overall GPA: 3.9 Type: domestic male GRE: 800Q, 620V, 4.5AW Research Experience: 1.5 years at school 2 summers at national lab starting another project this semester at school Honors/Awards: quite a few, but mostly school level Pubs: 1st author in respected peer-reviewed journal, upcoming conference, provisional patent Undergrad TA: 2 mechanical eng classes for 3 semesters Applied to: Berkeley Caltech (bioE) Carnegie Mellon Georgia Tech (bioE) MIT Michigan (bmed) Stanford Not invited to Caltech interview, so rejection? No word yet from any other schools, so getting a bit anxious... Best of luck to all!
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