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Posts posted by tillium

  1. I don't think the answer to the question is as easy as stepping back and making it about program vs supervisor fit. First, how do you know that after getting to know that supervisor they will still be a good fit? Second, how do you know you won't have any great supervisor options at the other program? Being distinguished is important but often the most successful your advisor is, the less time they are going to be able to invest in you. Also, there have to be other factors contributing to the difference between the two programs. things to consider.

  2. tillium, did you read stanley fish's recent op-ed in the nytimes about the digital humanities (the most recent one, in which he begins with a formalist analysis of milton's areopagitica)? i'm wondering how digital humanities folks feel about the argument he makes.

    I think that Fish's argument is unsurprising given his perspective of writing, reading, and the Internet more broadly (e.g. his reluctance to believe a blog could be considered a space in which "worthwhile" scholarship). He also has been making damning statements about whatever the academy seems to be interested at the moment (e.g. his critiques of interdisciplinarity). His description of the digital humanities is terribly reductive and points to a naivete that was tackled by scholars with much more care and consideration long ago. So, meh. Just my thoughts.

  3. Actually the lit program admitted 8 last year. 5 accepted. 160 applicants means 5% acceptance rate. Ivandub, so you know 2 of those accepts were for students categorized as Foreign.

    And, I am in the boat of incredible nerves about interviews with everyone else.

    Aubergine, my work broadly has to do with the digital humanities and French "Poststructuralists," which might have brought us to some of the same programs. What about you?

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