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Posts posted by mkt123

  1. hey! i have a Question about the consent form,... anyone know if declining to be interviewed on the consent form is tantamount to declining the award??? i signed under "accepted and agreed to" on the form, but checked the box "no, i would not be willing to be interviewed". lolz

  2. anyone know if you actually need to be in the USA to go ahead with all of the paperwork/processing for a fulbright? im asking if there are any fulbrighters from past years that did everything remotely...including a plane ticket being purchased from a city outside of the US to the fulbright host country?

  3. Malaysia checking in...


    Looking at the spreadsheet, there are about ten of us or so who have made a presence here. I was comforted somewhat with 70 less people applying, but that was offset by the ambiguity behind the sequester. There will also be less than 75 grants available assuming some of the people from this year stay on for a second year, though this may be unlikely since they just arrived in country 6 weeks ago or so.


    I am also a finalist for another program, my second choice, and if they notify me of a placement, I have 3 days to decide. I really hope that doesn't happen as I would be between a rock and a hard place of potentially turning down one program while waiting for Fulbright, only to have the possibility of not receiving a Fulbright either. If it does happen, I'm going to reach out to whoever I can to see what the timeline is for decision releases.


    Not sure if you browsed their website, but here is a list of their staff: http://www.macee.org.my/about/macee-staffs/. If a brave soul once to contact them and bypass IIE, go for it? I'm not messing with it unless I hear back from the other program and am on a tight timeline.


    Congratulations to those who have heard, and happy waiting for those of us in admissions purgatory.


    pro tip: you just accept your other program if there is a time gap and renege (on the other program) if you win the fulbright. pretty straight forward my friend, dont lose sleep and assume the worst so you won't be disappointed.

  4. I always ask my FPA whatever questions I have, and she contacts Jonathan directly for me. He will typical always let phone calls go to voicemail, and if it's an FPA he calls them back within 24hrs, same with emails. I think I got one email response from him about a week and a half after I emailed him, and by then I learned that it's quicker to go through my FPA.

    Edited because I called him "Jake!"

    thanks much! also funny that you called him jake.

  5. It is certainly part of their job, but not all of it. Like college admissions officers, if they have to spend all their time answering the phone for applicants, they'll never get the notification email drafted and sent... No, this process has not been transparent, but when you are cooperating with hundreds of agencies and people across the globe, transparency just doesn't occur. Things will happen when they happen. We knew from the get go it would be a long wait with little information.

    Also, THIS http://www.ted.com/t...t_echelman.html

    Janet Echelman's Ted Talk on "Taking Imagination Seriously," a tale of a Fulbright grant gone gracefully awry.

    Do you really think that the program manager is doing all the administrative work? You think he is on the phone with applicants while typing out acceptance emails? That's utterly absurd.

  6. I disagree. The process has been totally transparent -- we knew that there would be long periods of waiting when we applied. So far, notifications, timelines, and communication has been exactly what was described on the website and in the webinars, and they've been transparent about any changes. If people had a problem with that, they should have applied for programs and grants with a different schedule and/or process.

    In my opinion, when individual applicants call program managers to check on their own app and status, it takes away from the HUNDREDS of others -- like the people on this board -- who are also in the running, because it slows the entire process down. Every time they have to answer the phone to talk to some neurotic applicant, return a panicked email, or have to deal with snowflakes (people who think they are the one-in-a-million exception, ie. there's nobody else like them), it's selfish, patronizing, and rude. I'm sure they have many more responsibilities other than just processing these applications once a year.

    I don't mean to bite your head off at all. I just have a job like that and deal with that attitude all the time. It's infuriating to deal with that kind of entitlement. There is nothing to indicate that they already aren't working hard and holding up their end of the deal.

    I really don't think that calling to find out what's going on with your application represents "rudeness, selfishness and/or a sense of entitlement" given the fact that many, such as myself, haven't received any communication other than the initial, vague finalist email. There have been no timelines or notifications here, there's actually been nothing for months and there's been no delineated finish line. Regardless, you can't control what other people do and the fact that you just typed out a manifesto, moralizing on the internet as though you are the only "snowflake" in the world that has a job that requires dealing with managing people’s expectations/client-side operations, reaffirms my decision to completely disregard your text field. Thanks for providing me with a distraction though.

  7. Calling these people will not, in fact, make notifications come any sooner. If anything, it will delay them, because they will be spending time with people on the phone instead of working. Or maybe they'll just withhold notifications out of spite (what I would do!).

    thank you

  8. For the Fulbright applicants to Indonesia - I just stumbled upon some information that made me happy and a little bit more confident about getting the award. Apparently, 40 to 50 ETA grants will be awarded instead of 35 (as stated on the main US website for Fulbright). Also, the start/end date for the grant is mentioned: 5 August 2012 to 13 May 2013, which is great to know since I mentioned in my work contract that I would leave early should I get the Fulbright (I was very optimistic!) if the dates overlapped (which they do, I end on 18 Aug...).

    Here is the link: http://www.aminef.or...e&catid=2&id=54.

    I hope we find out soon and again, good luck! :-)

    Also, why I am up at 521AM - roosters...

    this is great news, you're a real detective my friend!

  9. what i don't understand is why t pain is still on these forums with the rest of us nerds when he is a winner, while we are just scrubs in limbo scanning these forums to try and alleviate anxiety (which is a wildly unsuccesful strategy in my humble opinion).

  10. quick question for Fellows: have you applied after your first year in graduate school OR along with your application to graduate school. in other words, are you applying so that you will delay your graduate education or applying so that you will break up your graduate degree?

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