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  1. Timshel, you were right. I emailed Sophia Canavos, and she was kind enough to copy/paste my rejection letter (which was apparently dated Feb 6). Good luck to all of you who were able to apply to multiple places! Hope to see some of you next year.
  2. No letter again today. Status on the website still says "under review." Don't know what those facts mean, but it is nice finally to be happy about NOT receiving a letter.
  3. That's good! Not receiving an acceptance back when the others did helped to prepare mentally for rejection. For me, either outcome will be great: either I go to the school I really wanted to go to, or I have an entire year to develop an even stronger application for this program and others. But I'd prefer the first. And I'd prefer to know now. Hehe...
  4. Strange, though: none of us participating in this thread seems to have received the rejection letter that was reported yesterday. And since no other rejections have been reported, I'm not sure when we should definitely assume that such letters are en route.
  5. Julianne, thanks so much! I've read your post about six times already today. But the irrational side of me feels compelled to inform the other applicants in limbo that my mail man came early today--and today was Day Two with no letter (after the rejection appeared on the results survey). The child in me says "yay! I might be waitlisted." Therefore, I'm going to go read Julianne's post a couple dozen more times.
  6. http://www.gradmit.buffalo.edu/etw/ets/et.asp?nxappid=GRA&nxmid=start sign in using the account info that you used when you applied.
  7. oops that should have said "she got into Buffalo".... too much writing today
  8. Also, for what it's worth, my thesis director is a Buffalo alum, and she told me that into Buffalo (among other offers) after months on their waitlist. Of course, it's been several years since then; but in 2011 it happened to someone in April. So as long as that application status still says "under review" I'll continue to hope that someone will take a better offer and a spot opens up... Unless some very helpful person wants to persuade me to be realistic.
  9. I expect to see it tomorrow, too. But until then, I have my fingers crossed for all of us! (Buffalo is not only my top choice, it's the only place I applied. Looks like I'll get a year to prepare a dozen more apps!)
  10. Someone just posted a mailed rejection on the Results Survey. :-/ So that means my fate is probably the same.
  11. I don't know!! It's strange. I'm going to assume that I am rejected--just for my own personal sanity--because that's probably what this means. I just wish I hadn't looked at previous years and seen the irregularity of communication methods and times, because it means that little bit of hope is still alive. Die, hope, die!
  12. That's what I thought, but in previous years it shows that Buffalo accepted people by postal mail after February.
  13. I haven't received anything from Buffalo at all. When I emailed Dr. Hammill, he said we would find out "online" (not quite true: it just says "under review) and through a paper letter through postal mail. I'm watching the mail closely. I'll post ASAP if I receive anything. Thanks for the info on 7 of 11 spots, Julianne, I hadn't heard that. Buffalo is my top choice, actually, so I really hope this works out!
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