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Everything posted by tuckie

  1. Hi I will go to UCLA for Electrical engineering, PhD. I got a RA position and guarantee housing. Is it true that all graduate guarantee housing is in Weyburn? I wish I could have a studio or single bed apartment. I would like Rose avenue if I am offered one. (I heard that it is a long wait list for these university apartments.) Read a lot about LA, I know the rental is extremely expensive and it is recommended to get a car there or else you can hardly go anywhere around LA. tuckie
  2. Dear all, Thank you for replying me. Just wanna update my situation. The prof. talked to me yesterday and told me that he is going to offer me a RA position. Then, I received official email today . It was really tough to go through the endless waiting. I did send 2 emails to show that I am strongly interested. However, I can't tell whether it makes any difference. Personally, I think someone has rejected the offer and I am lucky enough to pick up the slot. For the person who gave up this offer, thank you for being considerate. Best wishes to all who are waiting. tuckie
  3. Hi all, Thank for the advise. Somehow, I know that the prof. didn't reject me at the moment. He said he is still considering my application but not decide yet. This is a big relief for me, hopefully good news coming.... thanks again for the advise and courage. tuckie
  4. Hi all, I got an interview from UCLA 2 weeks ago and I am applying for the Electrical engineering PhD program. That was a personal call from a prof. who said that he is interested in my application. At the end of the interview, he said he will let me know the result by next week. It has been 2 weeks since he called but I got no reply from him. I am getting sick for checking the admission result on this forum and the UCLA official web page N times per day :cry: . I know someone got rejections from the official web page but mine is "no decision" since the first day I applied. Btw, I didn't see anyone got acceptance notice from the official web page, except for master programs. Questions: 1. Does it imply that I am rejected? (I thought I was not performing well in that interview) or they are working on the application? I have seen many applicants got an unofficial confirmation email from the prof. after interview. Wondering why I didn't get one.... 2. Shall I write an email to the prof. for my application status? I hope that will not affect my chances... if any. thoughts? Thanks people.
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