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Darioush Jalali

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Posts posted by Darioush Jalali

  1. I've got offers from U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) and UW in Seattle for PhD in Computer Science and my field of research is software engineering.

    Both programs are great and rank about the same in US News.

    The funding I get from both places will be about the same (UW pays more in summers but the rent is higher, so that almost levels out -- although obviously Urbana will be cheaper to live, say I estimate by $250/mo).

    Pros for UIUC:

    • I've been told that the overall reputation of UIUC is higher;
    • The CS department is larger there (more faculty and students)
    • In case I decide to switch to a slightly different area (e.g., formal methods, programming langs) it seems there is a lot of support for that.

      Pros for UW:
      • Close ties with industry, especially Microsoft and Oracle. (Considering that ATM I plan on joining industry after graduation, I think this is good.)
      • The weather is better (I'd take rain over snow any day)
      • Since Seattle is a real city (when compared to Urbana), I won't be worried about being stuck in the middle of cornfields for ~5 years.

        Potential advisers @ UIUC:
        • 2 advisers I could work with, each having well defined fields, and moderate expectations from students

        Potential advisers @ UW:

        [*]2 advisers, but I really only see myself working with one. High expectations and a broad research field. The other adviser is more relaxed;

        So, if anyone has any comments, I would be glad to know what you think, especially:

        [*]How small of a town is Urbana? Will I be regretting later that I chose to spend 5 yrs there?

        [*]How large is the reputation difference between these unis? Will that likely effect my career later?


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