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Posts posted by McDull

  1. I was accepted into Berkeley and Madison and ultimately decided to attend Florida International University. It is an interdisciplinary program that exposes you to a variety of theories and methods from sociology, anthropology, and geology.

    Being an interdisciplinary program, I find that the program is very qualitative centered even though there are some opportunities for the quantitatively focused folk.

    I would strongly consider looking into the program and the faculty. It is very strong. It is a new program which maybe makes it a risky choice, but it is doing so many things correctly. The department is supportive opposed to competitive and is just overall quite lovely.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Hey, interestingmix,

    I was curious and looked it up. Yes, the program seems pretty strong for sociology students who are interested in interdisciplinary research. The combination of faculty is amazing. I had been shopping around for interdisciplinary program and did not bump into this one.

    I think it's too late for me to apply now; although the offical deadline is April 1. And I do not think the body of faculty does really match my research interests. But I am so delighted to see such an energetic, renovative, and refreshing program! I almost feel like it can be the sociological counterpart of the Standford Modern Thought and Literature program (an interdisciplinary program with a base in literature). I envy you! Plus, it's Miami!

  2. Dear all,

    I received an offer from a Sociology Ph.D. program from a Canadian school, which has a deadline to accept the offer on 3/30.

    However, I haven't heard from all of my schools yet. I wrote to those schools immediately I was informed I was accepted into the 3/30-deadline program. I got some rejections back. Then, there is one school which is still in the process of reviewing applications. The graduate coordinator said that offers will not send out until late March.

    My question is: it is 3/19 now, if this remaining school accepts me and tells me this week, I guess their Recruitment Day (if they have one) will not be earlier than 3/30. How am I supposed to make an informed decision?

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



  3. I am an International. What is weird is that I need to do compulsory military service even I am GAY! :(((( Because my MA is going to end. And I could not have got accepted to a good PhD))))

    And soon my time is finishing up to postpone military service.

    Or I should give them enough proof (having make up on my face, or showing my obscene photos in receptive position to the jury) to cancel it :/ This also means that I can not work at government as a teacher or anything :(((( If you got rid of military service as a gay, you can not teach! this is the logic.

    This puts me on my nerves, makes me wake up as early as 5 am.

    I just feel like crying because I could postpone it with my Master education until 2012 august. I do not know what to do next :/


    Please don't give up hope yet! From you signature, I see you still have some very decent programs you have not heard from. Please don't give up hope yet! I was also preparing going home but I received my first offer today!

    Stay positive! There are always alternatives and different options! I'm an international too; maybe you could use your OPT to stay for one more year and apply again next year? It can just be that competition this year is exceptionally tough.

    But stay positive for now! Wait until you hear from all programs.

  4. RE: UCSC

    got an email yesterday, i didn't contact any Professor before or in the application process, but after the arrival of admission email, the professor i mentioned in my sop sent me a letter to ask for an interview via skype. this seems less helpful...

    also admitted by UHM and Oregon State u.

    Congratulations! Lixy!

    Any information is much appreciated! Thank you!

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