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Posts posted by gatorsoc85

  1. Hello All -

    I am currently looking into Sociology PhD Programs (applying for the Fall 2019 cycle) and was wondering what the perception of strong Sociology PhD Programs with focuses/areas on/of Sexuality might be currently? Thoughts? 

    I looked at the US News Rankings in Soc under the Sex and Gender specialty, but most of what I see from those faculty are more focused specifically on gender with little sexuality or intersectional work of gender and sexuality.

  2. Hello All! I am hearing a lot of conflicting information regarding availability of graduate advisers/chairs for their students. As I get ready for PhD studies, I wonder what should one expect? Obviously, there will be ebbs and flows depending on schedules, but what is the norm out there?

    Are they available for drop ins at all for their students?

    Do they usually have weekly, monthly, semesterly meetings with their students?

    Are they generally responsive to emails?

    What strategies have folks found helpful?

    I have a few friends in PhD programs who are miserable because they don't receive any guidance or assistance from their adviser and I would like to avoid that if possible!

  3. So I am looking to start in the Fall 2013 in my PhD program (been accepted and deferred...so definitely going) and my package covers tuition, health care, and a 10,000 stipend. While it doesn't seem like a bad package, in the area it will not be enough to cover housing/living.

    Does anyone else run into this? I am a little hesitant to take out student loans as faculty salaries for new faculty are not that hot, it seems. So paying back is a concern.

    Thoughts from others?

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