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About CookiesForDinner

  • Birthday 01/31/1986

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  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA
  • Program
    Secondary Education

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  1. Anyone else on here planning on attending Penn's Teacher Education Program? I know there is a facebook group about it, but, for the not-so-facebook inclined, I thought I'd see if anyone else on here is planning on this program!
  2. Mine was a little over 5 weeks as well. It was about 5 weeks until I got a phone call -- but another almost week after that until it showed up online (I refused to believe the acceptance until I saw it in writing)
  3. I grew up in the Philadelphia area, live there now, and am starting at Penn in the summer! There are definitely some options for places with at least a small yard for the little guys. I currently live in Northern Liberties. It's a pretty inexpensive neighborhood to live in, has a GREAT dog park (I go with my Boston about everyday!), and lots of restaurants/bars/things to do. Some parts of the neighborhood are close to the El (subway), and it's an 11 minute ride to the Penn stop plus a ~5 minute walk (I timed this a few weeks ago). Most of the people in No. Libs are what they call "young professionals". It's mostly houses/row houses. I have a 3 story house (3 bedrooms) and have a small backyard with a doggie door. Rent is considerably lower than center city, plus lots more bang for your buck. Another reasonable neighborhood to live is South Philly or Graduate Hospital. South Philly can be spotty, so it's definitely a street by street thing. But there are some GREAT deals down there, and most of the houses have some sort of backyard. Graduate hospital is the same, maybe a little more expensive. Again down there, you'll want to make sure you're close to the Broad St. Line subway (if you're planning on using that). Craigslist is really an awesome way to find places. Most of the realtors list their properties on there. But there is also Philadelphia Management Company (though they might only do apartments), and Penn has their own site, http://www.business-services.upenn.edu/offcampusservices/ which is...moderately helpful. Okay, that was kind of a novel, but let me know if you have any other questions!
  4. that is awesome!! thanks for the insights. Unfortunately my loans will be over 17,500, but it will definitely help a lot down the road!
  5. So, as I've accepted I'm going to a private GSE, I assumed that I leave the program (albeit short) in a significant amount of debt. Though I started researching federal loan forgiveness for science teachers (I'll be certified in secondary general science/earth science) and it looks like there are a lot of opportunities to have your loans forgiven if you teach in low-income areas? --for the record, i planned on teaching in low income areas anyway -- does anyone have any experience with this, past what the government site can tell me? Because it almost seems too good to be true..
  6. That's exactly what I've been fighting with in my head too about Penn. I'm going into the TEP Masters program, which isn't 45,000, but pretty damn close. Even with a scholarship, it's definitely a lot of money...and something I'm trying to work through in my head.
  7. That sounds really awesome!! Are you planning on getting the words with it, or just the bird?
  8. Mine was about 5 weeks until I heard anything. and then even then, I didn't get an email saying that the status had changed online.
  9. Thanks!! Yeah, I currently work at a hotel and we have to have cookies out at all times, so too many nights, I end up having at least one cookie (but usually more) for dinner!
  10. Just got my decision from PennGSE. They called on Friday, but officially accepted via website today!
  11. I've had a marilyn monroe piercing for ~8 years now, and no job has ever made/suggested that I take it out, and it was never even an issue with my advisors. I currently have half of my forearm tattooed (inside) with a peace dove and a benjamin franklin quote, and upon acceptance I plan to fill the rest of my forearm with a tribute to "the giving tree". I have to say once I made the promise to myself, it made it all the more exciting! (not that applying in itself isn't exciting or stressful)
  12. awesome!! i think it's the perfect reward!
  13. Finishing/adding tattoos. The extent of the tattoo depends on the school(s) I get into. If I get into my #1, I get to finish my sleeve **GASP** yes a woman in grad school with a full sleeve. oh the blasphemy.
  14. 1. Get back to my blog 2. Sew lots of things 3. THRIFT STORES 4. Breaking Bad 5. Take pictures of my dog
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