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Posts posted by snowcapk

  1. Who else is worried about disappointing their advisor?

    *raises hand*

    The fact that I made spelling and grammar mistakes on an essay sure doesn't make me feel better:(

    ^^this. I have good statistics, a pub in the pipeline and my recommenders are academy members, so it's just up to me to sell myself. And I did make spelling/grammar mistakes. And I did accept a dare to include the word "testes" in my proposal...on yeast. "Ballsy," I know.

  2. Fine, don't believe me. But I did receive it, like it or not.

    One of my friends tried to punk me late last week. It's very simple to fake the "from" field of an e-mail address to make an e-mail look like it arrived from somewhere else. That's all I'm saying.

  3. Isnt it also possible that none of us "longer posters" got it?

    This would support my theory that the results are being delayed while NSF tracks down everyone on this message board and removes them from the list.

  4. IT'S UP!!!!!!

    Actually, it's like last year. Got my "Accept Fellowship" button when I logged in.


    j/k I got nothing.

  5. Now we can maybe agree to go after anyone else who asks. :)

    How about, instead of that, we agree to go after plisar?

    That's the "my department already has its list" dude, for anyone who hasn't read all 1000+ posts.

  6. OK, let's get our priorities straight here. Maybe you want your girlfriend to spontaneously generate life while in bed with you, but I just want mine to lick my pussy reeeeeal good.

    Holy sh*t Krastina, is that you? God daaamn, Ricketts Hovse represent! This is Mary btw. So what's up these days?

  7. If you're a guy, does winning the nsf grfp impress women?

    Who knew that even a "Hand Lotion Sciences" student could be this desperate? Sir, you have set the bar.

  8. Just out of curiosity, does the population of this forum reflect the top tier graduate students or the lower tier graduate students?

    Cream of the crop.

  9. I do be a man of peace, yet my anger doth be stirred when I do encounter pompous fools. There dost be those who doth need a remedy for actions which in the tongues of man art called stupid. That remedy dost be mine quarterstaff, for the foolishness of their actions art a bane to all mankind.

    Very well - carry on!

    P.S. Stop haunting my dreams.

  10. thy doom shall be near...

    What kind of Friar goes around threatening and insulting everybody? Have you given any thought to your character's motivation? Shape up before you get your ass handed to you by the pirate.

  11. i actually do love the nsf and how they have that thing at the end of public tv that says that the show is brought to the station "by the national science foundation... and, by viewers like you."


    Stockholm called. They want their syndrome back.

  12. I just called and got the same answer as everyone else. They are waiting for some kind of approval for the number of awardees. They said that no one has been notified about anything yet (awardees, HMs, and even rejections).

    I dare them to say that to plisar.

  13. Go to Fastlane, and click on the "Award Offers and Honorable Mention List." Now, look at the URL. It should end with "method=loadAwardeelist" (or this won't work). Now, delete the part that says "-beta." Make sure everything else stays the same.

    If you did this right, you should find the lost land of the 2008 winners.

    Nice. I tried combining this with adding the "2009" option to the drop-down box using Firebug. The list is apparently not up yet, but I was able to download a quasi-empty Excel file with "one applicant"'s information. (Actually the applicant was just the header - Name, Bacc Inst., etc.). Happy waiting!

    Dudes, I had this crazy dream last night. I think it may have been a premonition. NSF had posted their results and...well I made you another comic.


  14. But what it really means is that someone from Arkansas is more likely to get funding than someone from California with equal quality of application.

    Is Arkansas the new North Dakota? On a scale where 10 is educated yuppieville and 1 is bumble---k, I would have given it at least a 4. Why no love for Arkansas?

    So, does it go by high school location, where you currently are or where school is? If you are in grad school already does it go by permanent address or school address?

    It is only by high school location and not by permanent residence or school address.

  15. Hi plisar, if you're still around, do you have any insights about the number of awards this year based on your list? Double the usual number or roughly what you expected? There's been speculation about giving as many as 75% more awards this year as you may know.

    Almost 5PM ET...time to wrassle up some jiffypop and kick back

  16. You're all delusional for thinking this downtime is a good sign. They're probably beefing up security so the rating sheets and award announcements stop leaking out. Such leaks were the best thing you could have hoped for in the next three days, since the awardee list hasn't reached the GRF operations center yet. And now the leakage will cease :/ Terrific.


    They couldn't be THAT out-of-sync with our needs.

    That's rich.

  17. i didn't learn anything exciting about notification dates when i called today, but i did find out that if you were determined to be ineligible you would have been notified of that already. so, if you haven't heard anything about being ineligible for the award, you must have passed that test! phew.

    cf. post #100

  18. I called up mit eecs grad admissions and my request actually moved up the chain 3 times. It was funny. The first lady said they don't change the decision once its made, then she asked me what fellowship and I said ndseg and she said hold on let me talk to my boss. Same thing happened with the next lady, finally the third person said no.

    I e-mailed the professor there who had asked a professor of mine about me and has similar research interests to my own. She didn't respond to my e-mail in the past so I won't be shocked if she doesn't again.

    Hi finest,

    Sorry to hear they didn't change their minds! It sounds like you got a secretary or something who didn't know what they were talking about. I think you did the right thing e-mailing the professor too because they have a lot more leverage. I would keep trying with other schools if MIT fails...really, I think the fellowship will make a difference! It kinda sucks to put yourself out on a limb like this, but there's a lot to be gained if you are interested in those departments.

    We're all rooting for you! :)

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