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Everything posted by rdsull89

  1. Hi all, As the wait list goes, it is different each year. Our goal is 12 students, and if we don't make that, we go to the wait list. 2 and 3 years ago we didn't go to the wait list, last year we accepted our entire wait list, so it really depends. We don't generally accept based on area, unless we have an abundance in a certain area or none in another. Typically it is based on the first offers, and then seeing where things are at. As a former waitlister, there is hope, and I know it is difficult but hang in there! Once it gets closer to the deadline, if you have other offers, be sure to check in with HBH. I don't believe we have many decisions in right now, so there isn't much info to be had, except to hang in there. :/
  2. Most are about on par with apartments in the area, so its not much of a savings. The cheap options, like Bannockburn isn't a good choice because its over a bunch of professional buildings and the campus sports bar. The other thing is as far as i know outside of campus housing, its all mixed, so you may end up surrounded by undergrads, which tend to be less than wonderful neighbors. There are some places close by that have studios available or 1 bedrooms for a livable price though.
  3. @GSZ - There are campus housing options, but I've never known anyone to actually use them and find them a good option (except family housing, but thats a whole different thing). Once you accept, there is a message board to find roommates--it's generally just as cheap if not cheaper to live in an off campus apartment (which would still be really close). @ little earthquakes and Persynanom - I believe the offer letters have been sent, the phone calls may still be coming out. Recently, there has been a very small wait list each year, so that is a possibility too. Our Grad Administrative person is out of the office Monday, so it would be best to call Tuesday or later. Good luck!!
  4. Hi-- A couple things: wait until all the offers are in and you visit whatever schools are your options. It's important to find the right fit. That said, there is no housing, per se. Most people move out here in August or September, and you can find roommates via a housing connection that UCR has. Rent prices vary based on number of roommates and bedrooms etc. That said, international tuition is usually higher and can be difficult sometimes. Be sure to explain your situation to Prof. Brayman Hackel and see what you guys can work out together. I know that we have had international students who have made it work before, and others who haven't been able to, so you'll want to explore your options and figure out if the funding works for you. At this stage, just see what happens and start doing research, then you can work on figuring out what might be the best option. Let me know if you have questions!
  5. Hi eeoo, Yes, our open house will be 3/9-3/10. I don't think it goes in the letter, but if you haven't heard from her yet, Heidi Brayman Hackel will contact you soon (there are a lot to get through, so it can take a little time). It will be a great chance to really see what we're all about and meet people you may be interested in working with. Let me know if you have more questions, or feel free to pm me!
  6. There are a couple of factors that go into it. Most TAships should be 50% appointments, and I don't have the the numbers on me, but it should be a bit higher than that. One thing that may happen if there is no visible fellowship is they may calculate those yearly things different--we have wage increases coming next year and the year after, so it may take that into account, because I think we hit over 20k next year or the year after.
  7. No--so "fellowships" (the stipend part) differs. Many schools will give 1 year of fellowship your first year (may be some differing) and that will depend on a lot of factors: the candidates background, scores, how much the school has to offer, etc. That money is for your first year in lieu of teaching. After that, when you become a TA and teach for your pay, the salary is the same for all TAs, regardless of school, and regardless of department.
  8. Just saw some posts on the results side and wanted to clarify: - All UC TAs are paid the same, regardless of school. We all have the same union contract. - UCR gives a 5 year package for students w the BA and 4 year with the MA but a 6th/5th year is never a problem. Students are encouraged to apply for fellowships for part of the time, but TAships are no problem for the last year, it just isn't put into the package.
  9. Of course Tomato8! Looks like admissions are starting to roll out--just keep in mind there are many phone calls to be made etc, so it can take a little time to get through all!
  10. Hi! There isn't really on "on campus" option that is viable--there is cheap family housing, but there's a waiting list. That said, most all the apartments that grads live in are walking distance, and theres a bus that comes around to them so its totally doable. It is SoCal so it isn't easy to live without a car or a roommate without a car, because most of the stores are not super close. Summer funding depends. ETS has some summer teaching opportunities but it sounds like they are variable, so usually later in the program there is summer adjuncting, but for now, usually people end up finding a summer job (like teaching test prep classes, etc.)
  11. Yep! We have huge strengths in race/ethnic studies and gender/queer studies. Part of it is because we, as a campus, are the most diverse UC and most of our students are first gen college students. It's such an interesting place to be. Yeah, 1 class per quarter is great. It gives tons of experience but not overwhelming.
  12. Yay! We're really working hard to pull a lot together around queer studies--one option for that too, once further along in the program, is summer teaching. During the summer we can apply to teach Queer Studies (being renamed from LGBT Studies) classes. Last summer I taught intro to LGBT Studies. I had 7 students, and it was the best teaching experience ever. Our workload is 1 class per quarter, every quarter when not on fellowship.
  13. Hello all!! So, a few things: Every department is different (sorry, no insight on entomology ) but ours does an incredibly thorough look through applications and really weighs fit above all else. Our admissions director is astounding at her job. Our goal for a cohort is 12 though the actual number varies from year to year, as does the number of acceptances. We always admit more than the target, just because there will always be a few rejected offers, but the actual number often depends on the committee and the pool. I have no inside knowledge this year as to when acceptances will be notified, but I would say, safely, to look for them in the next few weeks. It is easy to find housing--we have a roommate match forum for grad students and I've heard lots of good results (and a few misses, but that's expected). Riverside isn't the cheapest place, but compared to the cities most UCs are in, we're pretty affordable, so splitting a house 2 or 3 ways is a great option, as is splitting an apartment, and living in a 1 bedroom alone is always an option, though can be tighter. And, yes we do offer TAships. It varies by department (so ETS, Comp Lit, and Ent, I don't know much about) but for us, the standard package is 1 year of fellowship (your first year) and then 4 years guaranteed TAship through the writing program teaching comp. We admit responsibly and make sure our students all have the best financial support we can give. (The program is 6 years, the 6th year the hope is you get a fellowship to finish your dissertation, but you can also teach comp or a few other things too--as far back as I know everyone who is in their 6th year has gotten a TAship if needed, and sometimes extended beyond that). We also offer a limited number of English TAships for a British, American, and "Alt Critical Perspecitves" (race/class/gender/sexuality) survey classes which are selected yearly, based on the professors teaching the classes, but the goal is everyone does it at least once, if not twice during their time here. There are also occasionally opportunities to TA in gender and sexuality, comp lit, media and cultural studies, etc.
  14. Hi all, Just wanted to make a space for students applying to/accepted to (once decisions are out) to ask any questions and connect with each other and current grads! In the meantime, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask away!
  15. Great! Let Danny know if you need a ride!
  16. Looking forward to seeing everyone later this week! Feel free to email me if you need anything!
  17. Yeah, definitely--I was in the same boat. Once you're in you can definitely let HBH know and we can arrange some stuff, like meeting with the Profs. you'd work with, sitting in on a class, meeting some grad students etc.
  18. So, I found a grad student who will be driving in from LA on Wednesday morning and is willing to give one or both of you a ride, if you'd like. PM me if you want and we can set it up!
  19. I know you're on her list to talk to next so she should be in contact very soon. Let me see if I can find anyone driving in from LA on Wednesday and we can see if we can get you both a ride.
  20. If you (or anyone) would prefer a grad student to pick you up from an airport, let me know, we can work to arrange it!
  21. Oh no! Ask HBH about helping fund that. Maybe a train part way and someone from here can pick you up? There are also students and faculty that commute from LA so we can definitely help figure out a ride. Just let HBH or me know if you want to. We're really looking forward to meeting you all! Just a heads up, GSEA is sponsoring a dinner for anyone who is around on Thursday at 5:30, and if anyone wants to see some of the town and where grad students tend to live, let me know and we can arrange it.
  22. Oh, also, if you're interested in post-humanism, Jayna Brown in ethnic studies is fantastic!
  23. @circlewave - based on a TA salary, you won't be wealthy, but it's not too bad. It usually means living with a roommate, though not strictly necessary. I don't know much about the cost of living around PSU, but it probably is a little cheaper. Here, after the second year you're eligible for summer school, which is an extra 4k a year if you get it (most, not all, do, particularly after year 3) and supplement with readerships, research assistantships, etc. It's hard, because I've lived in SoCal all my life, so I don't have much in terms of comparison. But, you're looking at 900-1100 for a good 1 bedroom apartment, or about 1250-1500 for a 2 bedroom apartment.
  24. @circlewave - there's A LOT of work in the department on posthuman studies and biopolitics, particularly with Tobias, Zieger, Lloyd, and Vint, less so on ecotheory/environmental crit. We do have grad students in the department that do it--relating it to postcolonial theory, media/technoculture, and utopianism--and there are a lot of people working in related areas that have a lot of overlap. I think you would definitely find support, it's just not one of our biggest areas at the moment.
  25. Congrats!! 1. The "rock stars" often refer to David Lloyd and Fred Moten, but we also recently hired (in the last 3 yard) Sheryll Vint, Robb Hernandez, Emma Stapely, and Steven Sohn who are all amazing too. Moten and Lloyd are top scholars in their fields and very well established and respected. 2. SFTS is one of our specialties, and we are one of the leading schools for that in the nation. Part of that prominence is due to the Eaton Collection, which is one of the best science fiction collections in the world. I do believe they are starting to build that cluster more toward Science (and medicine) and literature too. That said, it is only a subset of our department and we have a wide array of other really strong areas too, and generally a really diverse program. In particular, we're very strong in ethnic literature and race and ethnic studies, feminism and queer theory, and book archive and manuscript studies, and those areas are only growing stronger. As a department we are very, very heavy into cultural studies in general, and tend to be pretty interdisciplinary.
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