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Posts posted by mustangintokyo

  1. I lived in Dallas for undergrad at Southern Methodist (and may be headed to Vanderbilt for graduate school) and I just wanted to say that Dallas is really not THAT big of a city and that's what makes it so great. Then again, I come from Tokyo so it depends on your perspective, I guess? I really don't know much about the medical stuff in Dallas but I can assure you it's a fabulous place to live. Not that dangerous but things can get difficult without a car since everything is so spread out and Dallas doesn't have a great public transportation system. I never tried it though so maybe I shouldn't knock it. I think people in the midwest are very nice and the folks in Dallas are no exception. I know I enjoyed my time in Dallas and if that's where you end up, I think you'll enjoy it too. The city has a lot to offer and that stipend package sounds pretty amazing!

  2. I asked Vanderbilt what was up with my application since nothing had changed in, oh I don't know, forever...and this is what I got back...

    "Thanks for your email. I am glad you wrote.

    Did you complete the International Student Financial Statement? (Link)

    I can tell you that the department reviewed your file and recommended admission, but an offer of admission cannot come from the Dean's office until this document has been submitted. If you have not already done so, please complete this as soon as possible and submit to the email listed on the form. Please let me know, as well, when you have sent it so I can alert the graduate admission office that it was sent and have them start the process."

    Now, it blows my mind that they did not even bother to send me a quick little reminder or notice that I'm missing this one vital part of the application...but the more important thing is, does this mean that, AS LONG AS I GET THIS FORM IN, I am essentially accepted? It sounds so very cryptic to me and I'm not sure how to decipher this...y'all have any idea?

  3. Is anyone still waiting for a Vandy IEPM decision? I was accepted for Comparative IE at TC and IED at UPenn, waitlisted for Harvard EPM but still waiting on Vanderbilt...and I know some people have heard back but they're Americans and I'm international (not sure if that really makes a difference...) If anyone has any idea about a timeline for Vandy, let me know!

  4. I think HGSE sent out a whole bunch of notifications like, an hour ago. Y'all may want to check your applications/junk mail real quick :) And oh good, I'm glad to see a Comparative IE! Seems like everyone is IED...but is there a big difference between the two groups besides the academic focuses outlined on the TC website?

  5. Dang, I still need to hear back from Vandy but I feel like if I haven't heard back then I can pretty much get to deciding where I'm going to be next year. Are you international or American? And yeah, I probably should visit since I've never been to the East coast but it might be a little late for all that! Right now, I have UPenn and TC, waitlisted at Harvard and waiting on Vandy. Haha it's funny how I had a list of THIS IS MY ORDER OF WHERE I WANT TO GO IF I GET ACCEPTED IN ALL FOUR...but now I really honestly couldn't tell you for sure where I want to really go to...

  6. Congratulations to all y'all accepted! I was waitlisted for IED - not too crushed and probably wouldn't be able to wait it out for a waitlist answer (it says mid-May to July) since I'm an international student and I have visa and paperwork considerations to keep in mind. But again, more importantly, CONGRATULATIONS!

  7. I think I got y'all beat with the timezone thing since I'm in the far east (Tokyo). ak1, if I may ask, why does getting into Harvard matter if you've already accepted the UPenn offer. Just wondering.

  8. I went to SMU for undergrad (06-10) and thought I'd put in my two cents. I didn't have a car for most of the time at SMU but I also had really awesome friends that would take me with them to the grocery store. There is a Tom Thumb that is by school, along with some other stores...but it's really not much and I honestly forgot the little area it's called, it's by the law school. Yes, the immediate area, Highland Park, is probably not the cheapest area to live in. I don't know where most of the grad students lived but most UG students lived off campus. The commute isn't bad, and I really wouldn't recommend biking or walking. On campus, a bike could be useful but once you're off campus, you can't go too far unless you're willing to risk your life due to getting hit by a car or a heat stroke in the summer. Walking is also something I wouldn't recommend off campus. Even around campus, things can get shady i.e. by the 7-11 so I would be a little more diligent at night. I would highly recommend a car, the parking situation isn't great but it's not terrible on campus.

  9. Shoot, I don't know anyone applying to our type of programs haha! Seems like all my friends and their mom is going to law school...But yeah, you're right, there's probably even less of us folk that are applying to IEP/D programs AND write in these forums...I was checking this forum out for a while and I finally decided to register a few days back :)

    I've applied to UPenn, Vandy, Columbia and Harvard.

    Got in to UPenn back in the beginning of December with a small scholarship and a bit more $ if I agree to do like, a graduate assistant thing.

    What about you? (or anyone else lurking the boards...)

  10. TexanLex

    Congrats to everyone so far!

    Sidenote: I checked the results page (it is SO addicting!!) and I noticed that someone heard back from Penn GSE on Friday (for Master's), but there's only been one posting. Has anyone else applying for a Master's heard back from them?

    Hey TexanLex, just thought I should speak up since you may have seen my posting but I applied to a different program so maybe not...? I was accepted into the M.S.Ed for International Educational Development on the 30th of November but I only found out when someone from the program e-mailed me around the first week of December haha I checked my app status and sure enough...but UPenn GSE didn't e-mail me to check my app status until mid-December! I applied pretty early in October or so and since UPenn is rolling, I heard back super early. I suggest you keep checking your UPenn status, you just never know! :)

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