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Posts posted by DanielaPainting

  1. One thing that is good about being rejected from all of your schools: there is literally no way I could quit making art now. I would never be able to live with myself feeling like that sort of rejection stymied me. Bitterness makes good fuel!

    I like your "I'm not going out like that" attitude. I went through a few months of not painting and was slightly bitter, but then I looked around at my walls and thought "I can't peak at this". Sure I'm proud of the work I have done, but I know I have even better work in me.

  2. Got an official acceptance letter in the mail today by Parsons! With a handwritten note saying:

    "Your work is very good. You should be proud! "

    Super happy!!! :D

    Still waiting for info on financial aid though..

    That's awesome! I wonder if they do that to sway your decision. I, personally, would take it into consideration.

  3. Ok, I thought I might chime in about Montclair State as it seems to be coming up a lot in this thread.

    I went there for my undergrad and after researching and applying to graduate schools, I have realized how fantastic their graduate program really is. And NO I don't get any kind of kickback for saying this (although maybe I should lol).

    1. For those of you who are looking to be in NYC, it is in commuting distance. Going to Chelsea is a regular occurrence to visit galleries and write papers etc.

    2. You get your own studio, with a lock. I've come across many programs with shared studio spaces and limited privacy.

    3. You have access to that studio 24/7. I thought this was a no-brainer, but again I was surprised to see some schools have limited access.

    4. The library and adjoining cafe are 24 hours as well. It wasn't until one of my best friends who is up at New Paltz told me about the erratic hours of their library, and how her Starbucks closes at 9pm! that I realized how lucky we were at MSU. This might sound like a minor thing, but remember you have to live in this new environment and tiny things like that might make a difference. I know I'm not a happy camper without a cup of coffee.

    5. They have a visiting artist EVERY WEEK. As part of Art Forum, an artist comes to do a lecture each week, beforehand that artist makes their rounds to the graduate studios to look at people's work.

    6. Additionally there is usually another lecture featured at the Montclair Art Museum about once or twice a semester. And depending on the artist, afterwards, the MFA's and faculty go to dinner at a local restaurant.

    7. The faculty. There are some real top notch people who teach there. In my final year of my BFA, I felt like I was put through the ringer, but I am so grateful for that. I feel like they really pushed me to be a better artist.

    If I hadn't gone there for undergrad and if I wasn't trying desperately to escape the NY Metro area, I would totally go there. So those of you thinking about applying, go for it! Because I really think in the next coming years, they will be a big contender.

  4. Stupid question- For the in-person interviews what kind of attire is okay? I know my friends who went for their Med School interviews had to dress 'Business Casual', but does anyone know for MFA?

    One of my undergrad professors always said that anytime she went on an interview she wore a black blazer and silk scarf. I like the idea of that and if ever I had an in person interview (so far it's been over the phone) that's what I plan on wearing. I've been on the hunt for the perfect fitted blazer ever since she told me that.

    Good luck on your interview!

  5. we are never too old... Unless you allow yourself to believe that. I'm 47, the work I submitted as my portfolio to grad school is ONE year old. I started from scratch @ 46 years old! I purged everything I did for almost 20 years and threw myself 105% into the new work, going for broke. I was prepared to deal with the possibility of it not working out at all. I got lucky, it worked out for the best. I love my new phase and the way I approach my art making. One day I want to make sure to inspire and enlighten students (saw many of them during my undergrad years) that expect their work to fall into place while in school or upon graduation. Every artist is different and as long as they believe that that's their calling, it's a matter of putting the time into the work and eventually things will start to click into place. Besides, isn't the journey "trying to get there" the more interesting part of the whole thing?

    Thank you for this post! I needed to read that. It makes me feel hopeful about my future. Good for you for showing so much drive! I wish you all the best.

    I've decided that if I don't find a forever home in an MFA program by Fall, I am going to pick up and move wherever and figure out plan B, because the energies of where I'm at now have become stagnant. It is all about the journey and I'm ready for an adventure!

  6. I think it's time I finally chimed in!

    I also applied to VCU for painting and have not heard anything as of yet. I noticed that the people who have posted and heard back from VCU were not painters. I just checked my status online and it says "Complete ready for review". I think that means there is still hope for us! =) Fingers crossed...

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