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Everything posted by cunninglinguist

  1. GEORGETOWN FOR LANGUAGE ACQUISITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Visiting this weekend and have yet to hear about funding, but I'll figure it out. WOO!!!
  2. Same :-\ Boo!
  3. Yeppp... Congrats on UIUC, though It'll all work out!
  4. Goddamn. Just got my official rejection from MIT Still says "applied" on UMass Amherst's application status thingy. Trying hard not to be disheartened. Harumph.
  5. I'm applying for PhD Programs in Theoretical Ling, but hoping people will be keen on my interest in Endangered Languages. I love language policy and am hoping to find a place that'll let me explore both areas (ie Georgetown...which hasn't gotten back to me ::sigh:
  6. Applying to Theoretical Ling programs to concentrate in Syntax and Endangered Languages... rejected from Cornell, interviews at McGill, Harvard, and Maryland. I guess MIT has sent out their acceptance letters (boo), but still havent heard from UConn, UMass Amherst, NYU, Georgetown. this is probably a terrible idea to join a forum, but I'm painfully curious.
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