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Everything posted by lucyvanpelt

  1. Favorite Nirvana songs anyone? I'm going with Dumb, Heart-Shaped Box, and Lithium... if I had to pick.
  2. Another UPenn reject here. Have you had luck anywhere else yet, Simple Twist? Based on your posts, you seem so intelligent and "together" (yeah, I'm a lurker) - I hope something else has worked out for you.
  3. runner09, would you mind giving us more details on your UPenn admit? Was it a mass email, email from POI, etc? Congrats!! You must be feeling great.
  4. Thanks so much for the info, Safferz. I guess it's probably safe to say that if they did do a first wave of offers, those of us who are still waiting to hear anything probably weren't in the first wave. I'll probably just assume an impending UPenn rejection/waitlist and be pleasantly surprised if I'm proven incorrect over the next couple of weeks. I'll probably head back into lurk mode now, but I wish the best of luck to everyone on here.
  5. Hi, pugsley87. Thank you for the welcome. If you or anyone else has info as to when it's safe to give up hope on UPenn (at least for Americanists), please do post or PM, if you're comfortable doing so. I don't know how many agree on this (probably more than I think), but I'd always rather know when it's safe to "mentally move" on to the next prospect than to keep waiting in hopes something will happen if it won't. At this point, it's the silence and suspense that's bothering me more than the idea of being rejected.
  6. Hi all, long-time lurker, first time poster. I'm a little gunshy with message boards, so apologies that I probably won't be much of an active poster. Can anyone give an update (Safferz?) on UPenn? I'm looking at the results board for it, and there seem to be a handful of acceptances, but not as many as one would think there'd be if all the acceptances have gone out. Safferz, African history is part of the general "plain History" Department there, right? Not a separate thing like "Ancient History"... ? If you received an email with info on funding and admitted students day, I would assume everyone who is part of the History Department's admissions pool would have already received the same (and the rest of us are waiting for waitlisted/rejected status). Do you know what's going on there? Thank you, by the way, for declining your offer since you knew you weren't going there. I'm an Americanist, so I doubt that would have much impact on me directly, but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless. Congrats on all your acceptances.
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