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Everything posted by thespecial1

  1. Did you get your letter via email or snail mail? The post on the results page says email but I have a friend who got hers by snail mail. I haven't received any news at all :/
  2. Has anyone heard from Hopkins yet?
  3. *****It was EXPECTED sorry about that, apparently I was still a bit optimistic lol Yeah, I got what I'm assuming was a mass email.
  4. Well, I got my Penn rejection today, but it was accepted considering they have accepted like 1 person in 5 years.
  5. I got into Boston University for the MA!! I'm doing Heritage Management. I received an unofficial acceptance early though because I had emailed them to make sure my application was actually turned in. So those of you still waiting I'm sure you will get some good news soon!
  6. Thanks! I feel better knowing some of us haven't been notified, maybe thats a good sign
  7. Has anyone heard good news about Boston University MA's? I saw a bunch of rejections were posted but no acceptances. Now I'm worried that my application was not completely submitted or something...I emailed the department early last week just to confirm that it was but no one has emailed me back. Arg- this whole process is making me very neurotic.
  8. I have friends who were accepted to Hopkins in previous years and did not get interviews until Mid-April...so yeah, they hold out for awhile. On the upside, they were eventually accepted.
  9. I got my first rejection the same day a friend of mine (who is currently studying in one of the programs I applied to) called me to tell me about someone that program had just interviewed. The interviewee had none of the awesome things on her CV that I did and had never even been on an archaeological dig (this is an archaeology program!). How was this person offered an interview before me? What was the point of all the work I did in undergrad if it was all going to be a crapshoot come time for grad applications? and What the hell at they looking for?!
  10. I know a lot of people have heard from Boston University for the PhD, but has anyone heard who applied for an MA?
  11. Agreed with above, I have not heard from any of my programs yet. What the hell is going on?
  12. Just thought I'd let you guys know, I called the Brown Egyptology program today and was told that the interview invites have already gone out. Just as I was about to accept rejection, the woman on the phone said "the first round anyway", so I'm assuming there is a second round? either that or they enjoy trying to keep that little bit of hope alive only to crush our dreams.
  13. Has anyone received a Cotsen interview invite yet?
  14. Do you know if all the invites are out yet?
  15. I'm wondering about the Brown interview as well. I'm wondering if it was maybe a specific question from a POI? Or maybe I'm just trying to avoid the fact that I was not invited and am utterly heartbroken
  16. Hi! I also study the ancient Near East, specifically Egypt. I applied to Hopkins, Penn, Brown, Berkeley and UCLA (though for UCLA's gen archaeology program). Has anyone heard from any of them? It is always so hard to tell in NES because we all have such diverse specialities and I wonder how acceptances are split up within the department..? I have not heard from ANY of them yet and I am slowly going crazy, but misery loves company, so I'm glad I'm not the only on waiting on pins and needles. Good luck everyone!!
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