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vehemens iter ad necem

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Everything posted by vehemens iter ad necem

  1. First of all: Veliside, grats on your acceptance. I actually can shed some light on this. I'm waiting on word from UCLA as well, so I called the Classics department, and I was transferred to someone who told me that the person in charge of admissions notifications (or something like that - maybe an administrator? at least, the person responsible) has been out sick for the last *four* weeks. So, yeah, that could explain why pretty much no one has heard anything... And before you start asking for your fees back, I was told by an adcom at an university where I have been accepted that this season seems to be very "late," i.e. a lot of decisions may be coming in right before April 15th. Pretty crazy. More competition, less funding, etc.
  2. Since there's less than 30 days until April 15th now, is it safe to assume that the remaining decisions are rejections if you haven't been told (informally or otherwise) that you've been waitlisted? Wouldn't having less than 30 days to decide go against what the SOP is supposed to be?
  3. Yep, just got mine. Lovely.
  4. It's simply undergraduate-level courses that you take to fulfill the requirements of most graduate institutions, in a non-degree-earning capacity after you've completed a degree already, hence the term post-baccalaureate. Not always that simple, though; could also be extension courses, or auditing classes, or what have you. I'm earning my 2nd BA, and the second is my "post-bacc" but I'm just going ahead and getting my second degree while I'm at it. I think I'm going to strike out everywhere
  5. Sorry to hear that; UW is one of my programs too, anxiously checking my email every 10sec now! Might be moot for you to discuss now, but if you don't mind my asking, what made you interested in UW Classics in the first place?
  6. I admit, after three seasons I would be pessimistic and OCDing like crazy, even with the extra security of an acceptance at some program. I feel your pain. Makes me feel even happier for you that there's a light at the end of your tunnel! Hell, I'm starting to descend into madness. I'm a double-BA, and as prepared as an undergraduate student can possibly be, but it seems like everyone here has at least a MA? Phooey.
  7. Delurking to remind you that it could be worse; you could be ME and have zero acceptances from 7 programs so far. You have an offer of admission. Be happy with your lot.
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