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  1. Just wondering if those who have been accepted could help us waitlisters out by posting how long you have to accept offers or when deadlines are? I was waitlisted for the Global Governance program at Waterloo and I am wondering when those who were accepted will accept or decline... Thank you
  2. Congrats wheatGrass! That is great news - if you were waitlisted at SESE, there is still a good chance you could get in there as well! I think the prestige factor of OISE (U of T in general) will certainly help as you look for future teaching positions. However there are benefits about other (smaller) Canadian schools - like a closer knit faculty. I would for sure wait it out a bit to see what you here from SESE if that is your first choice! So what do you think? Is it safe to say no mass email = no acceptance? I need to accept another offer soon...
  3. Congratulations! That is for sure good news! I didn't get that email so that is a bit unsettling...maybe it is UWO for me! Let us know when you find out what program it is for....
  4. I'm not sure - I am not actually an international student though, just working in Tanzania. My husband got accepted to a different program at U of T last night and they emailed him the acceptance letter and said that a copy has been mailed as well. I am guessing that would be the norm for people overseas... I'll let you know if I hear anything - hopefully this wait is over soon...I saw someone posted in a different thread that 11 out of 60 applicants were accepted last year...those odds don't seem too bad!
  5. Any updates or news from OISE? Specifically, SESE? Those of you who have been accepted to other programs, have you requested extensions for your decision?
  6. Congrats to everyone who has heard so far! Has anyone heard from Waterloo's PhD program in Global Governance?
  7. Chienkerwei, did you apply to CTL? I didn't get the email but I also only applied to SESE. Maybe it went out to an email list of CTL applicants/accepts? Or because we live overseas...maybe...I don't know Anyways, no news is good news right? It is just such a long wait... Congrats about York! That is great news!
  8. I went from a BA in English/Education to a MA in Political Science last year. I had a lot of theory and reading to catch up on the first couple of weeks but I brought different perspectives to discussions. I think as long as you are willing to do some extra reading over the summer or during your first few months, you will do just fine anywhere! Go with the school that you are most excited about - not the safest one!
  9. Anyone else have any OISE news? I heard back from UWO's PhD program today and I have a few weeks to decide but I would really like to hear back from OISE first....
  10. Congrats! That's great! Out of curiousity, did your POI call you?
  11. Nothing too novel...She said to include her name in my research statement on the online application, as well as in my Statement of Intent. She also said that fully-funded PhD spots are very competitive (as well all know) but that a strong Statement of Intent and good fit would make all the difference. Has anyone heard anything about timeline/when decisions will be made?
  12. I applied to SESE but with the collaborative program in CIDE. I did have some email communication with a professor. She gave me some tips on my application, statement of intent and collaborative program options. However, this was all back in the Fall and my MA is not in education...so we will see how it all plays out! OISE is a bit of a long shot for me! Good luck everyone - hopefully we hear soon
  13. Hi! I applied to the SESE PhD program within OISE. No news yet - (somewhat) patiently waiting. Thanks for starting this topic!
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