This is my first time posting and I truly can't express how much reading everything on these forums has helped me to know what questions to ask, who to ask them of, and when to get hopeful, scared, and ultimately dejected. For anyone who, like me, didn't recieve an admission, waitlist position, or "rejection"( I really want to call that something else because its starting to cut a little deeper than I'd like), I emailed the DGS regarding my application and recieved the following :
"Thanks for your inquiry. The admissions committee (of which I am not a member) has made some initial decisions. I'm sorry to report that your application was not among those chosen for a first-round offer, nor are you on the official waitlist at this time." I'm not sure if this is an extremely kind rejection or if it contains a slight glimmer or hope... I know I should choose the former but can't help the impulse to wish for the best(as completely absurd and unlikely as it is).