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  1. I am too! Very excited!
  2. I'm reading Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things at the moment too!
  3. Nope, it didn't change it still just shows complete.
  4. Thank you! I'm sorry I don't know if they contacted everyone, but looking at last year's Brandeis thread ( ) it looks like they were done over at least two days last year.
  5. Thank you. Reading this genuinely made my eyes start to tear. Perhaps its because of the general heightened state of emotions due to this roller coaster of a processes but it makes me sad to think that any of us has to suffer with not getting into a school to do what we were born to do. In any event I hope you already have an acceptance or that you will get one soon ( this is my second year that this if its any conciliation). Good luck and thank you again!
  6. That was me! I got an email an hour or two ago from Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman stating that the committee had recommended me for admissions and that I would be receiving official notice from the graduate school in a day or two!
  7. If they would only perfect a magic memory eraser a la Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind I could maybe go about living my life in a semi sane manner for the next month+. As it stands this "in the middle position" that Brandeis seems to have us in is the only thing keeping me from seriously questioning what I thought I was doing with this whole appliation thing. Almost all of my mental focus this week has surrounded constructing various, and impossible to verify, senarios regarding the meager information or lack there of that I've recieved ( and of course wallowing in rejections and making my friends as miserable as I am). Best of luck to you too!
  8. This is my first time posting and I truly can't express how much reading everything on these forums has helped me to know what questions to ask, who to ask them of, and when to get hopeful, scared, and ultimately dejected. For anyone who, like me, didn't recieve an admission, waitlist position, or "rejection"( I really want to call that something else because its starting to cut a little deeper than I'd like), I emailed the DGS regarding my application and recieved the following : "Thanks for your inquiry. The admissions committee (of which I am not a member) has made some initial decisions. I'm sorry to report that your application was not among those chosen for a first-round offer, nor are you on the official waitlist at this time." I'm not sure if this is an extremely kind rejection or if it contains a slight glimmer or hope... I know I should choose the former but can't help the impulse to wish for the best(as completely absurd and unlikely as it is).
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