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Posts posted by Sherbear

  1. Thank you! =) My first choice so I'm psyched. I did not apply for Dean's Leadership Scholarship, but I did send my app in before the 1/15 priority deadline. I just checked my online status again, still says "in review". So it looks like I got my letter in the mail exactly a week after my online status changed to "in review"

  2. Thx Rjose! I'm freaking out because on my Cal State LA GET account it showed my status as complete for weeks. I know for a fact they received my completed supplement packet. However, shortly after they received it before the 2/15 deadline, my status changed to incomplete! I've been calling but I can't get through and of course they are totally swamped so my email will most likely go unanswered.

    On the other hand, I applied to USC (my top choice) and this is what it says on my page:

    Submission Status: Submitted

    Submitted Date: 1/5/2012 3:46:00 AM EST

    Your file has been forwarded to the academic department for review and an admission decision. You may check this system periodically for updates, and if the academic department requires additional information or renders an admission decision, you will be contacted.

    Check periodically? More like religiously! Anyone have an idea how long the review process will take? I am dying over here!!! :blink:

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