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Posts posted by spark1989

  1. UPenn is a great school.... Don't be greedy. Given your low GPA, you're lucky that Penn wants you. It's very unlikely that with a 3.05 GPA, you can get into a Top 10 schools, unless you have other stellar research experience (which you said that you don't have). You know that the average GPA for the top 5 or 10 schools are around 3.7, right?


    Given that you applied earlier, I'll strongly suggest that you join UPenn. They may not even pick you next year. As far as jobs are concerned for a phd, it depends more on the individual (how many papers and how good are they) than the place, especially when aiming for the non-academic positions.

  2. It's a very risky decision. It appears that only one prof was interested in your app among all the places you applied to. What if he picks someone else (after you decline) and doesn't have an opening next year. At the same time, there is a chance that you may improve your app. But you can not change your UG GPA, and top places need a reason to reject.

    imo, stick with upenn and it's a top school.If it was some 30-40th rank school, then you could have considered dropping it. Btw, I know a person who was rejected by big 4 and was accepted by all of them after two years. But there was a massive change in his profile.

  3. If you plan to pursue a PhD in future, then why not pick an institute which is good in your area (meaning good faculty members) and is pretty well-known in CS. Just rank these places on these two parameters, and may be on the funding as well and see what you get.

    One problem with oxford is the duration of the program. One year I feel is definitely less to do anything (meaningful) and given that you'll probably be applying for a phd (that too from US) just after 6 months, it may not be the best option. Pick a place where you expect to do good research before you apply.

  4. Dont go by the ranking alone. For example, Yale is supposed to be the last rank, but it has some amazingly good faculty members such as Spielman (he was a prof at MIT and is a top theory guy).

    If you've already been accepted at these places, then I'm a little surprised as you appear to have applied randomly. If you plan to apply, then better start researching these places.

  5. very difficult decision imo. I think you'll probably end up with equally good job(in IT) from either place. However, if you may want to work in some non-IT field in future, then may be princeton is better.

    In short, UIUC is not going to give you any significant advantage over princeton in cs, if at all there is. My vote goes to princeton.

  6. If you want to factor funding in, Wisc Mad has a pretty good record of funding grad students (including MS) through TA/RA posts since Wisc Mad is pretty selective, and they evaluate MS students in the same way as PhD students while admitting them. However, WiscMad is better in Comp Arch & Systems than other areas.

    I don't agree with this view. WiscMad is having a really hard time in giving aid to their incoming PhD students. We've seen so many Phd admits w/o any aid. Expecting them to fund MS students is just unreasonable in my opinion.

  7. Let me put it this way. Difference definitely exist between the top 4 and others. . In theory, princeton is definitely a better place than those places you mentioned , otherwise I don't have a high opinion of princeton (not a top 10 school for me). I'm assuming that you are able to get equally good advisors at all the places.

    However, if u can get an advisor say sanjeev arora from princeton, or klienberg from cornell, then things are entirely different. In fact, I'll be happy to leave top 4 for these people, and people do that very often. My sister left a top 10 school and going to a 40th one because of the advisor. Infact, I'm also doing that :)

  8. I think best people to advice you are the profs at Columbia. They can tell you more about the faculty at UCLA and Wisc-mad working in their areas.

    From my experience, I think columbia is a better place for ML(jabera, collins,..).

    Btw, it's always better to change your place, and if you are looking for a better job, then may be UCLA is a better fit.

  9. Similar dilemma. I've been accepted at many places by the profs working in my area. Moreover, I've spoken multiple times with these guys, so I've to be a little careful here. Also, these profs know my reference writers pretty well. Some of these profs went out of the way to offer me an admission, like calling me just two days after I submitted the application.

    Any advice?

  10. Where do you got this information? And if true, do you have any idea of when? Buzzport is still showing "No Decision Has Been Made" for me.

    My sis has an admit from GT (me too!). Dept head mailed her few days back to know her decision. coz if she declines (which she did), they can look for others. I also got a similar, but a more pushy mail from POI.

    BTW, she was in CSE and I got into IC school.

  11. Hi christa,

    if u got an offer from UBC, do check at towards the end where they say that tuition is paid by the institute. This is what I remember.

    Also, stipend at UBC for PhD is slightly more than 23 I think. At least, this is what my letter says.

    I think at toronto, we do have to pay for tuition, but again stipend is slightly more to offset that.

  12. This was for the College of Computing (PhD), and you applied to the Physics department! No fears! :)

    I dont think so. I'm admitted to GT CSE, Phd, My verbal score was ~50 and quant> 90. I dont think schools give any weight to gre, other than the minimum univ requirement. Atleast, this is my experience. On princeton cs website, I do remember seeing that we dont give weight to gres

  13. Guys,

    I've received few admits (all are either RA and fellowship) and these are my top preferences (ordered) as of now.

    Georgia Tech



    British Columbia

    Few more received and awaiting couple of more...

    I'm mainly interested in Machine Learning and Theory. I am an international student and would like to work in US for some time after my phd.

    As of now I'm more inclined towards GT coz they are good in ML and very good in theory, but so is Toronto. I'm not so sure about UCLA and British Columbia.

    Assume that I get equally good and well-known profs at all these places.

    Joining Toronto may create some visa trouble if I want to join some research lab in US. And what about UCLA .What do you guys think?

    My profile

    GRE: Q, V ; ~170,150

    GPA < 3 (yes, i didn't study :)) undergrad from a bad school, 9/10 masters from a very good place.

    Papers: two first author papers at a super famous conference ( with one co-author).

    Research Ex: A lot.

    Recos: 3 excellent recos (I hope), with one by an internationally known researcher.

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