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Posts posted by haanaa

  1. I would really love to know about UT Austin as well.   I don't think anyone has been notified.  Not sure if this means anything, but a few months ago I had just sent their office a brief inquiry about possibly visiting and didn't receive a response until a few days ago, which was a somewhat cryptic email telling me to attend the Graduate Symposium next month.  It could have just been a standard response, but I am trying to think positive and tell myself it means that they were waiting to decide to admit me and then decided to let me know (laugh at my pain, guys).

    I do not know have you received any new from UT Austin or not, but I just want to let you know that one of my friends got acceptance from UT Austin on Feb 20. Good Luck.  

  2. Hi, I'v applied for both MAs and PhDs in the field of Islamic Art History with focus on Iranian early-Islamic Arts. Surprisingly haven't found anyone else with this field of interest. Just out of curiosity, which program have you applied and what was the result? I think It would be helpful if we share our experiences, don'e hesitate to ask if U have any question.

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