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Posts posted by carriedubv

  1. washdc: Sorry, its not SIS, but rather my program (USFP) that offers night classes almost exclusively. And yes, I have learned about the internship requirement. I agree the night classes can be beneficial for those who want to intern or work during the year. It's certainly not a deal breaker, just a difference of experiences between the two programs. How do you like AU?

  2. I know there are a few forums regarding this topic out there, but I wanted to get some fresh opinions. I've been admitted to several schools for security studies/IR programs and have essentially narrowed it down to two- American SIS and Pitt GSPIA. Pitt has offered me a hefty scholarship (almost a full ride), while AU has given me no aid. I love that American is so close to where I ultimately want to end up, but I am not sure I am thrilled about having only night classes (I am coming right out of undergrad). Pitt, on the other hand, is allowing me to come out of grad school debt-free, but I don't feel like the faculty, name, and location is quite up to par with American. So, should I go for the name or the money? Please help!

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