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Posts posted by 100freestyle

  1. Thank you, Teka! I did end up getting funded, so it's going to be tough, but you raised good points. Of course, I'm not considering prestige alone--the socio faculty at GU are phenomenal, and living in DC would provide some invaluable life experience. I have some serious reflecting to do over the weekend!

  2. @ Triple Tall Cappuccino: What's your take on the main DC area vs. surrounding areas? Trying to decide if the convenience of the former would be worth the cost (housing, taxes, etc.)... Though my undergrad off-campus housing was certainly pricey enough, the only public transit I'm really acquainted with is buses.

    I am visiting this week, though, so hopefully I'll get a better feel for the city!

  3. Hey there-- I think that was me! Would love to chat with someone else attending the program! I'm not 100% yet because I am trying to figure out fin. aid (ugh), but fingers crossed I'll make it work. Feel free to send me a message to chat more.

    I PMed you!

    Congrats on your acceptance/funding option, though! :) As tough as it is, continue to perceive it all on the positive!

    Sorry I haven't been around as much, but now my anxiety has turned from admissions to finding a place to live in DC! LOL

    Triple Tall Cappuccino, what areas are you looking at? I'm not set on Georgetown yet--but I've been admitted to the MLC program (no funding), so I've been checking out the housing situation to see how exorbitant it is and if attending is even financially possible... So far (and I've only researched briefly), what I've seen scares me! :wacko:

  4. I did my undergrad at the University of Michigan. My favorite area of linguistics is definitely socio (really interested in the intersection of language ideologies and education), but I am also interested in the Language Technology certificate EMU offers because it would open up more job prospects. How about you, wame0601?

  5. @LinguisticMystic--I had a dream the night before I was accepted that I did my perfunctory login to the website (not expecting anything but doing it just in spite of myself), and found that I had been harshly denied, so maybe that's a good sign? Haha

    @wame0601 I majored in English and minored in Linguistic Anthropology. If I get into EMU with funding, I'm going to have a really hard time turning it down despite the allure of Georgetown...

  6. @wame0601 I've applied to Eastern Michigan's MA program, too! Did you apply for assistantship funding? I'm anxiously awaiting to hear back from them, as Georgetown is my dream program but offers no funding at the Master's level (but I knew that going in).

    To change your Application Season, just go to your username next to "Sign Out" in the top right corner... Then go to "My Settings" and it will be all the way at the bottom under "Profile Information." I did the same thing at first! :)

  7. Hi everyone! First-time poster here, looking forward to chatting with other aspiring linguists! I've applied to MA programs in Linguistics (interest in English sociolinguistics), and I was accepted to Georgetown's MLC program last Wednesday. I noticed that someone else just posted an acceptance to the MLC--maybe we'll be classmates in the fall! :)

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