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Everything posted by mmbakhtin

  1. That you do, little sock puppet. That you do. Thanks for apologizing for your sock puppetry: I think it means a lot to everyone here. Too bad you couldn't just stop there, though. You had to remember all of those nasty, self-justifying lines about why it's totally cool for you to be an asshole to everyone who'd appreciate some security about their futures at this point. Underpinning your argument is this notion that it's fine for you to be indifferent to other people because you don't owe them a reply before April 15. No, you don't. But if morality stopped strictly and abruptly at what we owe to other people in the legal sense of owe, the world would be a fairly miserable place. Notifying a school once you know that you won't accept an offer is just one of those little things we all do to make it easier for our friends and colleagues to live in this world, in hopes that someone will do us a similar good turn when it's our time. This is the problem with Marxists: no concept of moral discretion, no sense of the benefits of exceeding the ethical requirements. Everything has to be cast in terms of strictest duty and inflexible political maxim, and your responsibility stops there. It's so...trite. And boring. Kind of like very obvious sock puppetry. Shoo fly.
  2. psst, Jack. Don't waste your time. Ilikecats here is either a sock puppet or a real life friend of the OP. Don't ask me how I know, but I do. Rather, temporarily bracket explanations outside the text and say I know because the original post is indefensible and somebody showed up to defend it.
  3. ^ That's the lamest sock puppet I've ever seen. Well, actually, I spent some time searching, and this one's pretty lame, too: But not quite as lame as the first one.
  4. Don't try to insinuate yourself into this conversation and pretend that all is forgiven. And a Judith Butler biscuit would be confusingly overcooked.
  5. A truer word was never spoken. It took all of five minutes to identify this brat.
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