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Posts posted by wangyuchen

  1. It will be extremely difficult for you to get into a PhD program of any repute with a sub-3.0 GPA. Agree with above posters that your best option is to start with a Masters and try to move up from there.

    thank you, I will try some master programs.

    I noticed some school offer a ms enroute to phd, or they offer master to those who are not good enough for a phd. I think those are suitable for me to try.

    And here comes another question, how can I position myself in those master programs if I want to pursue a phd??

    my ToEFL and GRE are enough for most schools, but GPA will always be sub-3.0. I don't mind city/weather/job opportunity since I just want to doing good in academic records and get into phd.

  2. If your GPA is below a 3, you might want to try getting admission into a masters program first, and doing well (4.0) and then applying after you finish.

    yes, I am considering some MS/PhD programs for doing well first and then get a PhD.

    I have seen some people with sub-3 gpa's get into PhD programs, and seems like it always took "something extra" to take them up to the competitive candidate level.

    I have done projects mainly by myself, and first author paper in progress. That's why professors wants me to pursue a phd. Buy judging from my GPA, I think I should get into a decent master program and make PhD my future plan.

  3. Hi, I am determined to pursue a Ph.D. degree in statistics, and apply for FALL 2013

    It's a little bit late because some of schools have deadline at 12/1. And a lot school make it 12/15.

    I have a quite strong recommendation from a professor I do a project with, so research experience and a paper (in progress) is related to him too. the project has just finished, so I can start to apply, I konw it's too late.

    GPA < 3, but with a minor in Computer Science, major in statistics.

    GRE 156/167. no sub

    I am wondering how should I select phd programs among those 60 schools?

    Except requirements in deadline/toefl/gre sub, How can I position myself among those programs ?

    I am very nervous about this now, I don't know where to start. All I can say is I am interested in machine learning and computational statistics, but it seems every school has some professors doing this.

  4. I know PSU is not a good choice. Their admission rate is extremely low...

    I think your background is not bad, the reason I say that is that CS+STAT background is a very very good combination. A lot of stat department are starting their machine learning team by hiring more professors who works on that.

    I know UWashington is currently constructing their "machine learning" team. I use quota is because sometimes, they hire professors who is not really working on classical machine learning, but related to that field.

    Also, standford is also a good choice actually. You should try it.

    CMU is a popular one, and a great one.

    thanks for your advice, it's very helpful. But I think CMU or Stanford is out of my reach because their minimum GPA is 3. I will try Washington.

  5. I major in STAT with very low GPA 2.7/4.0, and minor in CS with scores between 60-75, almost a B- or C+. I don't know how much my grades will determine my application, but I can do nothing about it now.

    Other informations is: GRE 156/167, TOEFL 97 (foreign students), apply for 2013 fall.

    My stat major focus on theories, but I am interested in application. Although my grades are low, I learned a lot in combining my CS programming ability into statistical computing. Last summer I've done a research program in statistical quality control with a professor, and proved I didn't waste my time in learning those didn't required by the exam. Besides typing codes to get the standard results, you should also organize your data, choose and design a correct data structure, making your program running faster, write a package of programs that haven't found on CRAN and fix every possible problem you will meet on your computer.

    I've done these very well and the professor recommend me to apply for PhD directly. But I think I should prove my research potential by being a qualified master first, with a GPA that reflects my true ability.

    I already have some backup schools that will accept me as a master because of my professor's recommendation, those schools ranking at about 50. now I want to choose some school as a 'reach',

    by checking the min requirements of those top 20 statistics program, I have:

    UCB, Harvard, Washington, Duke, Texas A&M, UW, ISU, PSU, Cornell, UNC

    I mean I don't really think I can go to these, but I will give it a try to apply 2-3 schools, do you know which school is not very GPA-orientaled and willing to accept students like me? Should I apply for data mining and statistical learning programs? I know these are alway under CS department and just few school like CMU have a specified STAT-CS program. Thanks!

  6. A bad TOEFL score can hurt, but I dont think it is necessary to score very high on the TOEFL. Just make sure you score sufficient in all the sub-categories.

    Research experience in your field is really the main thing you should focus on. And make sure that whoever you do a research project for will write you a strong recommendation.

    thanks, I will try to join some research group.

    Today I've just taken toefl, and as you said, it may be not very high but sufficient.

  7. thank you for your answer.

    I may have only about one year to strengthen my research experience, but I will still try to attend some research groups. I think my programming skills in c++/R will help me to find a position in these groups. But in my university the profs are not quiet care about the research potential in their undergraduate students, some of them told me they don't have such a position for an undergraduate.

    GRE sub is also a good choice, if I have time prepare for it I will try to do so.

    What's the role ToEFL play in admission? I mean, if I get a very high toefl score it wil or will not help? or just a meet-requirement score is enough?

  8. AIM: 2013 fall, master program in computer science or statistics

    CURRENT GPA : 2.68

    GRE: 156+167+3.5

    ToEFL: haven't tested yet

    MAJOR : statistics MINOR: computer science

    FROM: China, top 5 departments of statistics

    I am actually in my junior year, so the reason for this post is asking for what I should do to increase the strength of my profile.

    There are a lot of reasons for me to get only 2.68 in GPA, different ways of calculating and stupid courses like Marxism, but it's now a fact and I have nothing to do to change it. Even I got all A's in this semester, it's still about 2.8 or so the time I applying.

    I study at another university in free time to learn computer science, It will give me a minor degree in cs, and that university is more famous than mine own, it's china's top 3 engineering schools.

    My major is focused on mathematical statistics, so I learned analysis and other high-level math courses than other university's stat students. With this multi-background, I wish to study machine learning or artificial intelligence. I know it's sometimes in the cs department and sometime in the statistics, and I think my undergraduate-level statistics is already enough to me, so I wish to apply for some cs master programs and take more cs courses.

    What do you think I should do to fix the problem of GPA? I think my statistics and cs background is sufficient for a machine learning program, but the low gpa will restrict me to those 50-80 schools. If I want to be more competitive in applying, what should i prepare? Thank you.

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