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Everything posted by darkmattertek

  1. @K.j. Prashanth For CMU waitlist, they'll give you a number of where you stand compared to everybody else on waitlist I would think. I'm guessing if you aren't high on the list by that point, it is unlikely to be admitted. I know I'm not hoping for a miracle I get off waitlist at CMU and get admitted. That said, being on waitlist isn't the worst thing out there. All we can do is wait. The other thing I've heard that can change your favor in the admissions eyes if you have been waitlisted is to let them know you can fund yourself, whether personally or from an external fellowship. That may sway them in admitting you since you are cheap or basically "free" labor.
  2. I got waitlisted at UPenn after calling admissions. Anybody else waiting on UPenn should have heard their status already. If not, you are probably waitlisted, call admissions for exact status. Let's hope something goes through, looks like I'll have to wait until the end of April to see what my options are.
  3. There you have it, CMU just gave me their decision. I'm waitlisted for the ME Ph.D. program. Anybody else waiting on CMU should hear back soon if you haven't already. Anybody else hear from UPenn or UMichigan on admissions decisions?
  4. @impulse_nerve, not sure, but I called Marcia below: Marcia James Sawyer, Graduate Field Administrator Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 107 Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-7501 607 255-5250 She should be able to relay your status. Have you heard from UPenn?
  5. So I emailed/called yesterday all the respective admissions below: Cornell CMU UPenn Stanford UMichigan Harvard Cornell has sent out all their requests to all admitted already. As for the others, I'm still waiting to hear back, they all said they are still "reviewing applications". Stanford should be the last one since they said decisions go out late Mar/early Apr. Harvard's decision will come via snail mail on Mar 15 to anybody else that applied there. Anybody else hear anything on the schools above?
  6. Hey guys, Just wondering if you guys heard or plan on hearing any more app statuses. I'm looking to hear back from these schools Ph.D. ME programs: Cornell CMU UPenn Stanford UMichigan Harvard I heard from a professor I keep in contact about Cornell so I know what's going on there unofficially. Anybody else hear anything from these schools?
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