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Posts posted by emeleyes

  1. Is there anyone here who was successful in both their OGS and SSHRC application? And had to turn down OGS accordingly? I accepted OGS last month--I figured a waitlist for a SSHRC was a no-go--and now I'm not sure how to decline it, as there is no option to do so online.

    Hoping someone can help me out so I can help one waitlister out..

  2. i am in the exact same situation. i have already confirmed SSHRC but have no idea how to decline OGS now.

    ahhh. can anyone help?

    I was waitlisted and have received notice of the award today!

    However, I was also awarded OGS and decided to accept it (thinking the wait-list was a shot in the dark) on June 29th. Has anyone else experienced this or know if there is a way to decline OGS after being awarded and accept SSHRC instead?

  3. Alright: Anyone living in or moving to Toronto for fall 2012? I'll be driving out there from Victoria, BC at the end of July to attend the MA Anthropology program at UofT. Suggestions for areas to live? Finding indoor cat friendly housing from afar? Other tips?

    little italy, roncesvalles, leslieville, riverdale, bathurst&st. clair, or high park areas are awesome! i lived in little italy for a year and it was great -- amazing food, bike lanes, and something going on all of the time. it IS a little pricey though...

    generally, the west end of the city is seen as less "sketchy" but there are some awesome areas in the east, so don't discount them right away. the only TRULY sketchy (read: unsafe) area is jane/finch area, which i suspect would be too far away from uoft anyway..

  4. I'm a student in Ontario and was sent forward from my school as an alternate. Basically, if they have extra money or if someone who was recommended declines their scholarship, I may be chosen to "fill in" . I have yet to receive any letter from SSHRC letting me know what the status of my application is.

    Does anyone know if this is normal for someone who was sent from the school as a waitlist option? Is it possible they won't send me a letter until everyone has accepted or declined their scholarships?

    I'm just a bit anxious since I don't live in a rural area and feel like my letter should have already arrived...

    Thoughts on the wait-list process?

    hi ilovebooks:

    i am in the same boat as well. here is the message i received from SSHRC -- hopefully it will answer your questions!

    "Good morning,

    Thank you for your email.

    Your application was one of those submitted by your university as an alternate application. This means that your name has been placed on a list of candidates recommended for an award in the event that additional funds become available.

    Should an award holder from your university decline his/her scholarship, SSHRC may communicate with you to offer you an award, provided that your application meets all of our eligibility criteria.



    Research Training Portfolio

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council"

  5. Yah me too....I think it's a bad sign that the message didn't specify 'early May' - yikes!

    you are right, it is a bad sign. sshrc says: "@lamcphie Sorry for the delayed reply! Results for master's should be out by mid- to late May. Good luck!" via their twitter (an hour ago).


  6. Hey there. I was waitlisted as SSHRC alternate (#1 alternate, mind you) and I received a Master's SSHRC in early August last year (after an early May announcement.) So there is definitely hope - especially if you're at the top of the list. Where are you on the list? I know several people who were waitlisted for the MA SSHRC and eventually received one (sometimes even in January of the next year).

    Congrats on nabbing your SSHRC! #1 on a waitlist is an amazing accomplishment (though it's even better that you ended up getting one)! Thanks for sharing your experience.

    My school didn't tell me where I was on the waitlist -- are they supposed to tell you, or does SSHRC? Also, how do would late acceptances/payments work assuming that you receive an OGS and are waitlisted for SSHRC, and you accept the OGS with the expectation that you won't get SSHRC?

  7. Welcome to the SSHRC master's gang, Aion! Every time this topic is bumped, my heart skips a beat and I immediately assume someone has heard news from SSHRC. Good things come to those who wait.

    Glad it's not just me! =)

    I was forwarded by my school as an alternate and I was wondering if anyone had any information/knew anyone who had been an alternate before. I wonder what the likelihood on getting a SSHRC is in that position? I mean I'm not going to hold my breath, but it would be good [or disheartening] to know...

  8. Congratulation on being accepted to Dalhousie! Halifax truly is a "lovely city" as littlewing already mentioned. The proximity to the Atlantic ocean would be the big draw for me. I'd definitely recommend a visit to the Canadian Immigration Museum - Pier 21. I was able to get a printout of my grandmother's record of arrival to Canada from the ships collection database, even though her boat docked in Montreal.

    I'm on my way to the Forest City this May... haven't received a yea or nay for my Sept 2012 entrance yet, but it's only been about three weeks since my competed application package was received by the Univesity of Western Ontario. In most cases, it takes around 6-8 weeks to hear back from the ivory towers. Out of curiousity... was this timeframe similar for your UWO acceptance notice?

    I would imagine you should hear from UWO any day now. I applied for the fall 2012 intake in January and it took about 3.5/4 weeks for me to hear back. They never emailed me though -- I only found out by checking my Student Centre profile...

  9. I just accepted University of Alberta (which is also where I did my undergrad). I got accepted to University of Toronto and I really wanted to go, but my bank account didn't agree.

    Amen to that! U of T is unreasonably expensive in every aspect. *sigh*

    I will be headed to the University of Western Ontario this fall!

  10. Hi everyone, I have a question regarding SSHRC. Back in February, I received a letter from my university saying that my application was not being forwarded on to Ottawa for SSHRC. On March 1st, however, I received an email from SSHRC saying that they had received my application. I called my Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all they could tell me was that my application had in fact been forwarded. Does anyone know if this may mean I was forwarded on as an alternate? It appears as though most people who were initially forwarded on by their universities had received a confirmation email from SSHRC back in February. What do you suppose it means that I did not hear from SSHRC until March 1st? Thanks for any help!

    You were probably forwarded as an alternate. I received word from my school (Ryerson) in February that I wasn't one of the 27 (our school's quota) that got forwarded on for the $17,500 scholarship, but that I did get forwarded as an alternate. They told me that if any additional scholarships became available or people declined, I might get one.

    Oh, and I got the email on March 1st too. So we're in the same boat! =)

  11. Definitely email them back! (From what I've heard), most schools are pretty understanding if you tell them you have a funding / admission decision that you have to make in the next x number of days, so you need to know your status ASAP.

    The application process is a strange, strange thing and people find things out in odd ways at odd times.

  12. just got an (email) acceptance for the master of information (MI) program! =) this was a rolling admission program and i waited for 10 weeks, so i feel your pain, uofters still waiting!

    fyi, i checked my status on my application and it says decision made. it still said "under review" this morning, so it seems to me that they are pretty on the ball about changing application statuses...

  13. How did you find out about the offer? It's now March and I applied to the PhD program but my app still says "under review." I also haven't been invited to any interviews or open-houses (although being invited to an open-house isn't usually a sign of anything from my experience - that is why they are "open")

    don't fret steeloatmeal and superbygk! the admissions committee for the ischool masters program has completely different people on it than the ph.d. program (http://www.ischool.utoronto.ca/governance-policies/council-year). that's probably why it's taking longer. applications for ph.d. programs would be a lot more extensive than masters ones and thus take longer to review, yes?

  14. I submitted my application on February 15 and got the decision this morning (March 13). So, a little less than a month. I emailed the admissions officer last week; I'm not sure how much it helped to push things along, but I told her that I had an offer from another school that I had to respond to (true), so it might have helped. They did tell me that they hoped to start notifying applicants this week, though, so you'll probably hear something soon.

    Good luck!

    The cost is really outrageous -- double what the tuition will be if I go to the UofA. I know there are factors that play into this, but I am also considering the cost of living in Toronto and it scares me. If I stay here, I can live with family which will reduce the costs substantially. Then again, I'll be living with family again. ;) This is a really agonizing decision!

    i've emailed laura a few times too -- i think she might have gotten fed up with me. her last email seemed sort of curt, and the first one didn't answer any of my questions at all. i really, really hope i hear this week.

    to be honest, not hearing anything from u of t is making me think that going to uwo might not be so bad. but the program at u of t is what draws me in -- i really love its technological focus. really i am just kicking myself for not applying to ubc, where tuition is the same as an undergrad's and no statement of intent was needed. UGH.

    why did you apply to u of t and not any other schools far from home?

  15. It is deeply frustrating that everything rolls out so slowly. It's not so bad waiting until you start hearing that some results have started going out.

    i feel you urbanaut! i applied to a rolling admissions program in january and haven't heard anything (and of course -- no website status change!) while people who applied on the funding deadline heard two weeks later. THERE IS NO JUSTICE.

  16. I just got an acceptance letter from UofT. It's my dream school... I've wanted to be in Toronto forever. But the cost is so prohibitive that I don't think I can accept their offer. I don't know whether to laugh or cry right now.

    ahh i am so jealous! i have been waiting on u of t for (what feels like) forever. i am super bitter that i haven't been told ANYTHING (especially since i applied about 2 months ago). i am now starting to freak out and assume that i've been rejected. how long did you have to wait until you heard?

    isn't it outrageous how expensive u of t is? although you have to take into consideration the size of their library holdings, the access to archives / libraries and things like the thomas fisher rare book library. but still, so expensive. =(

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