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    Fulbright Full Grant

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Latte (6/10)



  1. Any Dominican Republic applicants out there? I'm currently on a research Fulbright in the DR and will overlap with your grant term (I didn't start until February of 2014 and am planning to overstay). I'm currently living/working on the North coast (it seems like most grantees are typically in or around the capital) but PM me anyway if you're selected. I'd love to get in touch when you arrive and if you need any questions answered/help from within the country I'd be happy to see what I can do. You should find out relatively soon - I think we heard back in early May last year. Good luck!
  2. That's awesome! What a strange journey you've had!! Were you promoted? Or was the alternate thing a mistake from the beginning? So weird...
  3. There is no Caribbean/CA Facebook group (we're small and spread out). So, in hopes that someone is lurking, I'll askquestioners here: 1. how soon after you emailed your embassy post about confirming your departure date did they respond? 2. If you're currently working a professional job, how soon before you leave are you going to tell your boss? I work in research at a hospital and my boss is on faculty at the school where I go (he's at the med school and so he gets all University newsletters - they mentioned my Fulbright). He's the kindest person EVER so he would never confront me about knowing (if he even does - who reads those things, anyway lol). I just don't want to keep it from him b/c he's aware of the notification timelines and I don't want to appear deceitful... I don't want to leave until January so I have time (approvals permitting). I also don't want to notify too early and not be put on projects... I don't plan on coming back (I wanna go another direction with my career) but I love my boss and want him to continue to mentor me after the fact... Thoughts anyone?
  4. Ugh... Bummer...
  5. CALL THEM!!! this same exact thing happened to me!!! Everyone else in my region was notified at the same time and I received NOTHING!! I called my program manager like "I know notifications went out today and I didn't get one... Is this a mistake?" she took my name and looked me up and guess what: I got it!!! I found out over the phone...my program manager forwarded my selection notification to a different email. I still never got the original!! Check it out ASAP! they're human in this program and therefore they make administrative mistakes. Another example: in the 2012-2013 cycle I was an alternate. In the subject line of my notification email they spelled Fulbright wrong!! Lol. Anyway - INVESTIGATE!! there was probably a mistake and this absolutely does not mean you weren't selected!!
  6. YAAAAAY!!!!!!! All of your hard work finally paid off and the agonizing/wondering/waiting is over!! Congrats!! P.S. I've been lurking this board specifically waiting for Brazil people to hear back!! The notifications are heeeeere!! Keep us all posted :-)
  7. WHAT!? that is HORRIBLE!!!!!
  8. Come...on...BRAZIL!!! Just wanted to let you all know I'm still lurking and sending good vibes your way :-)
  9. What the ----!!! Can you get your source to email the embassy person and get that recorded in an email? That's so incredibly wrong on about 40,000 levels!!
  10. How did you find that out!? Did you talk to someone at Fulbright? If so, you need to get that in writing! That's not fair/likely illegal/the most f****d up thing I've ever heard in relationship to this program! Get that in writing, then raise hell!! Craziness!!
  11. Thanks so much! I'm in Denver. We had a Zumba teacher and he charged us $20/hr, but then informed us he's raising his rates to $40/hour. I didn't know if we were just getting him really cheap to start and now he's charging the going rate - or if this is ridiculously expensive and we need to find somebody else... Thoughts? Our price range is $20/25 per hour (we're a county safety net hospital and by definition - poor, lol). Any connections you might have are welcome and MUCH appreciated!! Our patients LOVE this - and we do too, since it's a great way to introduce movement into their lives. Many of them are older, disabled, have weight challenges, or all of the above. Any insight you might have is amazing! Thanks
  12. I know! Random zumba question for you: for the job I'm working right now we need to hire a zumba teacher for an event (a health fair). The people in the zumba class will all be 65+ and on Medicare/uninsured. What is a reasonable hourly rate to pay an instructor?
  13. Wow - so are we done? With the exception of Brazil ETAs? I have to admit - this is a little bittersweet...
  14. Switzerland: why are you being so stingy today?
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