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Posts posted by pleasegodletmein

  1. I GOT IN SOMEWHERE!!!!! i really was thinking it wouldn't happen. did anyone else apply to UCSB? they're sending out official notifications in a few days. i feel like i can relax a little for the first time in oh... a year. damn. probably not funded for the first year though.

  2. so no NYU then... i think i was completely off my rocker when i decided which schools to apply to. i must have a very high opinion of myself. i hope it won't destroy me in the end. in the meantime, time drips by- barely. this is absolutely horrible. i tried to tell myself, this morning, that it was my decision to freak out and get anxious and that i wasn't going to anymore, but i have now decided that i have no choice. actually, it's the same battle every day. one rejection so far, one probable rejection, still waiting on 10 of the best schools in the world. shit.

  3. Perhaps I'll move home, play video games, and eat pizza!

    yes, i've tried this... the problem is when the guilt trips start to set in- for some reason, fathers don't seem as keen on their kids mooching off of them forever as moms do. dammit! and it's really not that great to never have spending money with which to buy gas, take out your girlfriend, etc.- parents don't seem so excited about giving an allowance to their 27-year-old, either. what the hell? i wish you all the best in fulfilling my dream of being supported forever, though.

  4. i'm freaking out today too- last year, UCSB and Columbia both notified tomorrow, but it was a Wednesday last year- which means it's the equivalent of today. crap. and apparantly UW notified last year starting earlier this week- but no one's heard anything yet. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is horrible. i wish i were into meditation or something- i wonder if that would even help at this point.

  5. you guys should check out the history people- they're freaking out on each other now. it seems like the anthro folk are a little nicer, and for that i'm really glad. also, we are not using words like "ostensibly," for the most part, on this forum. there's no need to be pedantic, for god's sake. anyway, it just makes me feel like if i actually get into academia, i'll have a friendlier group of collegues! so thanks.

  6. ha that's hilarious. i'm a history groupie too- actually in anthro myself. my partner and i are in the same predicament. i wish they had some kind of "couple" admissions policy. like, if they really like her, they'll let me in just for kicks.

  7. congratulations keepcalm! you are awesome!

    Do they always send rejection emails in the end after admission emails?

    my understanding is that they send letters out to the rejected people, and that happened last year at the end of feb. i'm not sure they actually email everyone who was admitted. they might mail some of those peeps too (hopefully that'll include me...)

  8. excellent topic. i'd like to move back to europe but don't know how possible this will be... i need to somehow get a job there first. or i'd love to spend some time in vancouver, ca but i'm not sure how to go about doing that either. why are all the "teach english" jobs in asia and latin america? i wish they would allow you to immigrate somewhere based on your excellent coffee-making abilities or something equally unimpressive.

    if these don't work out, my girlfriend and i are thinking- portland. work as little as possible, enjoy life, travel. student loans are a bit of an issue too, though. damn this indentured servitude!

  9. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet in some physical place for coffee? So we could micro analyze possible outcomes without boring or freaking out all the people in our lives that don't understand?

    yes, that would be wonderful. i can't talk to anyone at work b/c they don't know i've applied. fortunately, my partner also applied to grad school this year so we're freaking out together. but it's twice as stressful b/c we need to get in in the same city. she's already in somewhere, and so far i've got one rejection and 11 unknowns. i used to be so laid back, and now... i think i've got ulcers.

    any word on univ of washington or ucsb? these schools started notifying this week last year.

  10. i wouldn't give up all hope on berkeley- at least i'm not, yet. looks like the accepted person got a personal email from a prof, right? maybe they just haven't gotten around to emailing you yet. my girlfriend got her acceptance to one school first via automated email, then via a letter, and finally a professor emailed her saying her acceptance letter was on the way. so, i don't think things always go in the same order.

  11. there were always those few who started calling early and often. No one minds if it's mid-March and you inquire, everyone will remember your name if you start calling two days after you submit your app and expect a response. Believe me, it happens.

    what if you give them a fake name? do they actually look you up to see whether you've applied? aaaaaaaa i'm dying here!!! this is taking years off my life. my eye has been twitching for a week now.

  12. I used to work in an admissions office and we were generally exasperated by the people who called starting early February every couple of weeks

    in your experience, can people working in admissions offices be persuaded to "lose" other promising applications if, say, one were to send them cookies, airline tickets, cash, etc. "as a friendly gesture"?

  13. hooray! i fixed my login problems and am back on thegradcafe! you guys might have thought i'd somehow nixed my addiction to this forum and was sipping peacefully on a nice glass of iced tea while waiting patiently to hear back from schools- but no! i've been checking the results page of this site over and over whilst refreshing my email and checking the mail!

    congrats to everyone who got in somewhere during my absence- and damn you! i'm jealous. i'm going CRAZY with the waiting. was thinking of getting some ritalin from a young, adhd-stricken child to help me focus on other things during the wait.

  14. seriously. for now, the slack life i imagine professors having is not working to my advantage- as they sip on their mid-day glass of wine and peruse the latest additions at the local bookstore, i am losing my ability to think in a cogent manner about anything. i'm so freaking ancy. AAAAAAAAAAAA for god's sake people, have a little mercy on us! of course, if they need more time to rule everyone else out but are going to let me in, i will forgive them...

  15. i'm hoping that's what being a professor entails. i also considered being a "quality assurance" officer who travels to resorts and posh hotels to make sure that they are as enjoyable as they should be, until i found out that they have to go around testing light bulb sockets and boring stuff like that. i think brewmeisters have it pretty good- they just work for a few months making beer, and take the rest of the year off to drink it. also, my uncle had a fireworks store in wyoming and he made enough money in the summer to live off of.

    glad to know there's someone out there as ambitious as i.

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