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Chase G

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Everything posted by Chase G

  1. I would have to agree that getting your PhD in this situation would probably be best. An MA would take up too much unnecessary time and money, but I also know that there are some students who decide to stick to the master's degree and consider a PhD in their future. Personally, I went with a master's because I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do after school, but then I realized that a PhD would help me build my own practice. I found this site while looking for a master's degree program (http://www.mastersincounseling.org/) that really helped me find a great program and gave me a lot of information about my options. I may be too late to help you with your particualr dilemma, but I hope this helps someone out there! Good Luck!
  2. The application process to get a master's in counseling can definitely be a hastle. When I was going through my application process, I found a lot of sites meant to help students get information and find the right program for them. One of them was http://www.mastersincounseling.org/. There was a lot of information about the different schools that offer the program and it answered some of the questions I had regarding grants, admissions interviews, and choosing a focus. Obviously, it really helped me a lot, and I hope this helps you as well. Good luck with everything!
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