This is almost an identical situation to the one I am in. He said, I am busy, I cannot do this right now, we need to wait till later. Now he ignores all my emails. My work is better than or of equal level to another who graduated in the group. I am planning on different plans, applying to medical school, but he has really had it in for me and thinks I'm some kind of retarded failure. Reality of the situation is, I figured out I'm not really a researcher at this point in my career, and want to get a medical degree because that's what I have wanted for a really long time. Maybe in the future I will do some research, but I feel I'm more than a lab rat. I would be doing great work if I had exceptional guidance, I am just not at the point in my career where I can do really exceptional hypothesis driven work. I did develop my own hypothesis, executed the work, the work was successful, the work is under review and received well by a journal. I am very good with convincing, talking to people, working deals, thats my bread and butter with every authority figure I meet, but my advisor holds strong, cuts me off, and doesn't listen no matter if I'm right or wrong. I really like to recognize when I'm wrong, but everything he says makes absolutely no sense. He is from a different culture than me also, and I think cultural boundaries can become big issues. When you cannot communicate with someone, they are not the advisor for you. If you have the same interests, hobbies, science interests, sports, whatever, if its the same as your advisor, I bet you will get stuff done with them. I don't know how to advise you accept bring him stuff, bring him work, make up stories about how good stuff is going, really put on an act, I dunno, push that defense to come, break his door down. My friend is an idiot who had terrible terrible grad work and data collection, with almost no understanding of science (he cheated all through undergrad and is basically like a mechanic), and got his thesis approved. This is the type of shit that makes me really mad, when I actually have a deep understanding of the field, and my work is rejected more on my character than anything.