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Posts posted by mathundergrad

  1. Hi Everyone,


    Would it be possible to apply for PhD programs right when I enter a two year masters? For example, suppose I get admission to purdue for the Fall of 2013 for a two years master's in mathematics program and then while at purdue, within the first few months I apply to PhD programs for the Fall of 2014. If I do get in, can I leave purdue for the other PhD programs? Thanks!

  2. I am currently a senior who will be applying to PhD programs. I plan on taking either Linear Algebra or Real Analysis. I really don't have too much other room in my schedule and can only take 1. The linear algebra class is an upper-division linear algebra course. I have previously taken the lower division linear algebra course. Between these classes, which one might look better to admissions? thanks!

  3. Hi Everyone!,


    This is my last semester as an undergraduate studying Statistics and I am trying to decide between taking "mathematics for the physical sciences" and "numerical analysis". The grading distribution for the "mathematics for the physical sciences" is much higher than that for numerical analysis. In the "mathematics for the physical sciences", we will touch on probability and statistics briefly but am not sure what we will do for numerical analysis. My question is, which class would you choose and would it be a bad idea to take mathematics for the physical sciences"? Thank you!!!

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I would highly appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea of how graduate schools view consistently reduced course load semesters. I have taken 4 years of reduced course loads anywhere from 4 units to 12 units. Due to a low course load, I have a 3.9+ GPA and have multiple research experiences. I also did an internship at a top investment bank. My school is considered to one of the top undergraduate schools for going onto graduate school. My major is a field within mathematics. This semester, I anticipate withdrawing due to family difficulties. My GRE quant is 800 and english is 770. Assuming I take a full course load during my last semester (5th year), would top schools look down on my lack of classes and withdraws?

    Any info would be appreciated, I ended up posting this here as I a responder on the other threads suggested I post here.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    I would highly appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea of how graduate schools view consistent reduced course load semesters. I have taken 4 years of reduced course loads anywhere from 4 units to 12 units. Due to a low course load, I have a 3.9+ GPA and have multiple research experiences. I also did an internship at a top investment bank. My school is considered to one of the top undergraduate schools for going onto graduate school. My major is a field within mathematics. This semester, I anticipate withdrawing due to family difficulties. My GRE quant is 800 and english is 770. Assuming I take a full course load during my last semester (5th year), would top schools look down on my lack of classes and withdraws?

    Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  6. I have been taking reduced course loads over the past 4 years and I intend to stay two more semesters. When I say reduced course loads, they were like in the range of 2 classes for the first two years and my junior and 4th year they were 3 courses. I have had a history of taking some classes P/NP because I was afraid that they would ruin my GPA. I will graduate in 5 years and it is my hope that I can take heavy courseloads in my final 5th year since family issues have improved a whole lot (went through hell past 4 years). Right now my gpa is upwards of 3.9 because of my actions. If I take heavy courseloads in my fifth and final year, and get great grades ( I am double majoring) will I stil have a bad chance at grad school? Ive heard grad schools might look down on you taking very light loads.

    My Hopeful Profile (Estimated at end of 5 years):

    -More than enough units for graduation.

    -3.9+ GPA

    - double major in mathematics related majors

    - 20 units + for final two years

    - 800 GRE (I took this last year)

    I really dont know how bad my past 4 years of p/np actions + very reduced course loads + all that would factor into grad admission. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm just afriad that even with taking 20+ units my final 2 semesters might still make grad schools brand me as someone who cant handle courses or who isn't up to par.

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