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Posts posted by Delarosa

  1. If you're actually interested in DH at Brown, check out The Centre for Digital Scholarship (which integrates the older Scholarly Technology Group). The site has links to many, many DH-related projects at the institution, some of are leaders in the field (Julia Flanders' WWP, for example, which also invites proposals for internships, if you're interested in that kind of thing)(CDS more generally also offers similar opportunities).

    I don't have first-hand experience (I'm at a university in Canada!), but here's some copy-pasta from a comment on a post from 2005 (much has probably changed; read this as worst-case scenario!) on Matthew G. Kirschehbaum's webby:

    Although Brown does not have a digital-new-manities program as such, it does have something like an independent major on a doctoral level: if you are already a student in one of the departments and none of the available programs (including the one you're in) suits your research needs, go ahead. Get a faculty committee together, write an extensive description of the program, go before the Graduate Council and hey, maybe they'll approve you. This is how I'm doing a PhD in Humanities Computing, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin is pursuing one in New Media.
  2. I'll just add Freemind for mind-mapping and FocusWriter for a no-nonsense text-on-a-background no-bells-or-whistles distraction-free writing program. Both are free programs (available through the Software Centre if you're using Ubuntu).

  3. The August housing market is a bit cut-throat in Kingston. I'd suggest coming up in early July to do a few viewings and secure your living situation, rather than risk being stuck with a bottom-of-the-barrel apartment.

    A really great FAQ has been created by the Graduate English Society here. It may answer a few questions!

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