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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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    PhD Social Work

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  1. Also rejected from UMich today! Well, at least we all know? @ thomasd88- I have not heard a word from UW. I'll post here when I do, though. Good luck!
  2. I am also losing hope for UMich. The post on the results forum that basically said "if you haven't heard yet, you aren't in" helped me to come to terms with that possibility.
  3. @ Cat Face- I received a rejection from UChicago's PhD program via an email to check their website last week. While I don't know much about this process, I would think that not hearing anything yet is a positive? Good luck!
  4. It looks like there is one acceptance for BC posted on the results board. I hope that it is you or that you hear positive things soon!
  5. Sorry, applicant2013fall, that's not a school I applied to. Good luck though! I hope everyone is hearing good news this week! Today and yesterday were pretty action packed: Accepted: IUPUI Waitlisted: University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign Rejected: University of Chicago And Michigan State offered me a pretty stellar fellowship! All in all, more good news than bad, in my opinion. Waiting on: University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin- Madision, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Iowa, Florida State, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
  6. Hello, So I applied to several (11) PhD programs, perhaps an overkill, but I was uncertain about my admission chances. I have heard back from 3 - 2 acceptances (1 with potential fellowship) and 1 rejection. The school with the possible fellowship is currently my top choice based on good fit, a great conversation with a student, and a stressful, but very nice informal interview with the PhD director for the fellowship application before my formal acceptance to the program. Now it is official, they want me! And I want them, as much as I can, considering that I still have 8 schools to hear from. I am in a field whose cycle is a bit later than most, so no worries about not hearing yet. I have another conversation scheduled with the PhD director to "talk about [my] needs going forward" tomorrow. I really don't want to misrepresent myself or my intentions, but neither do I want to give the impression that I am not over the moon to be accepted. If the choices I have right now are my only acceptances, I will absolutely go to this school without hesitation. Any advice on general demeanor, tone, or better yet, what my "needs going forward" should consist of? Can I ask to visit? Ask more questions about how the program works, assigning advisors, picking classes, etc? I've never done this before and am really nervous that I am going to ask for too much or not ask enough or that there are "needs" I haven't considered. Any help would by much appreciated. tl;dr accepted to PhD program- still waiting to hear back from other schools- phone call tomorrow to discuss my needs- not sure what to say
  7. @ applicant2013fall- Thanks! At least we know where we stand? Right? @ somerset- I, too, have been utilizing that particular defense mechanism. I think it's healthy, or something... I hope your other programs respond soon! @ Post-it Poet- Thanks! I'm sorry to hear that you have no new news! I hate all this waiting!
  8. @thomasd88- Well that is good to hear! I have never been to East Lansing, but I imagine will be scheduling a trip up there soon. @ashsw & somerset- Thanks!!! I am quite excited! In other news, I received my official rejection from Washington University in St. Louis today via e-mail. Just wanted to keep you guys informed.
  9. Hi! I am hoping some people still frequent this area! I am considering MSU for grad school this fall and had a couple of questions: - What is the culture of renting like? For instance: are there lots of rental houses, or mostly apartments? Is it easy to find places that would rent to a married couple with two cats and a medium sized border colie-ish dog? What are rents like? Do people find rental homes mostly through Craigslist, relators, word of mouth, the newspaper, signs in yards, etc. -Do there seem to be many companies that would need IT people? -Is it a dog friendly town? -Is the comic book store of a decent size? -Are there any areas of town where you absolutely wouldn't live? -Is there anything I should be asking that I don't know to ask?
  10. Hi guys, I am just about to post it on the results page, but I wanted to post it here first: I was offically accepted to Michigan State!
  11. 32, will turn 33 mid-way through the first year of PhD program.
  12. @ somerset- Nice! What a fabulous position to be in! Hopefully, I am there with you soon!
  13. I know this is something I need to do, I just don't want to seem like a pest, or hear a bunch of "no"s! I am sure that you are right, somerset, but I am not brave enough for that. I think I would feel like I was overstepping myself, so I would be overly apologetic. Thus, making me seem like the least assertive person ever!
  14. Just curious, at what point is it appropriate to contact schools about the status of you application? I know now is still a little early, but when is the right time? Also, is it better to call the secretary or send an email?
  15. Congrats ashsw! That is awesome! It's ridiculous how much I have talked myself out of some of the places. I think you are right, though, I may just be trying to cushion myself from possible rejection.
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