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Everything posted by jsdowns

  1. So, I've been admitted to the one university to which I applied (seems cavalier, but this was simply the best fit in the United States). I am, however, slightly concerned about the funding situation. I have been offered a fellowship that will cover all fees for the first year but does not include a stipend. Is this bad news? Would it be reasonable to take the money and run with the program and hope that I might merit additional funding later (both from the department and extramural sources)? I am only slightly pleased, but don't quite know what to make of this . . . it seems the case that some of these applicants have been inundated with funding -- four years with stipend, for example. I wonder if this package simply reflects a dearth of funds in the department, or if it means that I should be discouraged from attending. Does a one-year fellowship increase the odds of obtaining money later? Any thoughts in general?
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