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Posts posted by brunett88

  1. Hi everyone. I'm just feeling really antsy. I've received mostly rejections and one waitlist. Usually, I'm pretty optimistic, but I *really* don't know what I would do if I don't get in. I just feel really scared and discouraged right now since it seems the school I'm applying to is super competitive and I don't see anyone giving up a spot to go there. I'm still holding out though!!

  2. @ psychodork: "waiting list technically a good thing". I actually jumped up and down (in a Starbucks, mind you) when I found out I was on the waiting list for a top choice school. The thing is though this is my only shot since I got rejections from all the other programs I applied to, even my "backups". And the closer it gets to April 15th, the more worried I become and the more discouraged I feel. But it's nice to know I'm not alone...

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