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    2013 Fall
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    Biomedical Engineering PhD

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  1. Checking back in, found out last week that I was rejected for a Fulbright to the Netherlands. Today I got the Whitaker, which is a more specific grant just for Biomedical Engineers. I was a Fulbright Alternate last year and rejected from Whitaker last year. If you end up not getting a grant this year, keep trying! We are all great candidates but it really depends on the review committee! Congrats to all accepted and here's hoping from some alternates becoming accepted! Positive spirits to all... Now its time to try and move my wedding! My advisor and fiancee dont agree when i should go to the Netherlands. I will take this problem any day to study in the Netherlands!
  2. Response from the Netherlands 3/26/2013 10:45 AM from eomalley@iie.org Not selected, disappointed, I was an alternate last year.The whole application process takes a lot of out you. However, we are all good candidates to even go through the application process. Waiting on the results of the Whitaker Fellowship as well. Still considering applying again next year. Something about liking the pain that the Fulbright causes me. Actually, randomly decided to work on the PhD research at home today to take a break and recharge. Its like the Fulbright knew my plans. Good luck to everyone still waiting! Once the box or email is opened, it cannot be unopened.
  3. I was an alternate last year for the Netherlands. Basically if someone drops out or doesnt accept the award, between now and up to September you could get bumped up. I tried to figure out where I was on the list but they wouldnt tell me. Also, remember there will be a few weeks in which everyone is figuring out if they are really going or some lucky people even have to choose between two different grants or opportunities.
  4. Focusing on my research is impossible. I only do well when I hide my computer somewhere. I am waiting on the Netherlands so it will probably be another 2-3 weeks. Has anyone reached out to Eileen O'Mailey who is the Program Manger for Europe & Eurasia (except Germany)? eomalley@iie.org
  5. Netherlands, applied for the Fellows one. I am planning to use finite element modeling to determine what factors affect bone ingrowth into porous orthopaedic implants. Looking at patient factors (BMI, activity level, quality of bone), and implant factors (porosity, elastic modulus, pore size, etc) and how they affect bone ingrowth. My phd research involves analyzed retrieved human implants. Its all IRB-approved research and our group publishes a lot due to a majority of the funding coming from the NIH.
  6. Which country and what is your research focused on? I also applied for the Whitaker too!
  7. Lucky, my family all knew cause I applied last year. At my school they post a flyer with all the finalists names and pictures. It was posted all over my department and even emailed out. I cant avoid it!
  8. Anyone else keep getting asked from all friends, co-workers and family members...."When do you find out?" The best is the people that ask every week even after I told them maybe mid-april but as late as June.
  9. I was able to sell it as a chance to go on a trip together. He will come with me to the Netherlands the first two weeks while I find a place to live, etc. There is Skype and emails.
  10. I get emails from my FPA asking me to come to Fulbright Sessions for next years students. How painful!!!
  11. I am doing the same thing to my fiancee. The question is, would you regret it later that you didnt go? That is why I applied and plan to go if accepted. I am sure he understands. My fiancee isnt too happy about it, but gets it. I am also willing to stay permanently near his family and parents when I come back.
  12. Yes, its annoying. I even had my campus advisor call and try to talk to them. I would definitely wait a few months, since most of us apply to several things at once. People do drop out sometimes. Keep positive!
  13. I was an alternate last year to the Netherlands. I would say if they have 1.5-2 times the amount of people recommended as finalist. Then some will get rejected and some get alternate status. For my country there was 16 grants offered, but only 13 actually given due to decreasing funding. I think I was 1 out of 3 or 4 alternates. If someone drops out between now and even into September or October you could be bumped up to a full grant. It was painful since I found out in April and then had to just wait and see, never knowing. If I were you, I just create a list of what you would need to do to get ready. Then wait until you actually hear.
  14. So after the the country accepts you, IEE gets the final say since it US money.
  15. Congrats! I know who you are! Lol, it is your Drexel friend in Biomedical Engineering applying to Netherlands. I was also recommended! How exciting and congratulations!
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