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Posts posted by mf2232

  1. email the department student coordinator and ask them  - the person in the department im applying to was super helpful when i asked about my incomplete application (which turned out not to be incomplete after all)

  2. eh, but is it worth the debt? i think that's usually the bigger issue. and even if you enter into a funded program, the amount of time the program requires can eat up any and all free time, leaving you in an even deeper funk. i mean, i hate the fallacy that you have to love love love your field with all your soul. i mean, thats stupid. if you have such blind love for your field of study, how are you going to be able to engage with it critically? however, i do think you need to be committed - for your own sake. otherwise, you will lose time and money that could have been better spent developing a new career/traveling/etc. 

  3. actually, if you think you might enjoy teaching english abroad, you should come to china. once you are on the ground, finding work as a teacher is super easy (and can be quite lucrative) and after you have a teaching job, you will still have time to follow other professional pursuits (ive seen people advance very quickly in fields like hospitality, marketing, writing, business, design, tourism, etc that they wouldnt have had the qualifications/opportunity to pursue had they stayed in the states. cost of living is cheaper, and you can very cheaply explore places both within china and southeast asia. also, once you come back to the states you have "china experience" which counts for something on resumes. something to think about...

  4. i graduated 4 years ago, so I knew it would be hard to get in touch with professors. while one prof did back to me, the other hasnt replied to my email (i fwded the email to her other address that i had and still no response). shouldnt she at least write back and say "no"? im not sure if there is anything i can do beyond contacting someone new to write the letter. ideas?

  5. So, I'm planning on applying to art history grad programs this fall with my focus being on contemporary chinese art (I'm still figuring out whether I want to go for an ma or phd). Does anyone have experience doing an ma or phd with a focus on 20th century Chinese art? what schools would you recommend? Thanks!

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