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Everything posted by Universalist

  1. I've been attending University of Central Florida for a few semesters now. Working two jobs full time in order to pay for school and boarding is taking away from my actual learning. I'm doing badly because I have to spend almost all effort on paying for school. Anyways, so I was thinking of just dropping out of UCF and trying to find something a lot cheaper, where I can survive with just one of my jobs while I take classes. Online or wherever I need to go, what would be the cheapest way to get a PhD in Religious Studies? I'm not looking into being a Pastor or focusing on Christian teachings, I'd like to learn a lot about all religions and not just the main 3 Monotheistic ones. I'd hope to one day teach a religious history or religious theory class where I expose everyone to a wider range of religions. I've always found it important for people to find the religion that was meant for them. Anyways, thankyou! I'm trying to figure this all out quickly before this semester ends and they end up kicking me out of the school
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