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Posts posted by juleskyle

  1. Congratulations!!! Did u get pulled out of the 'pending' list by any chance? I'm just asking because I'm on this list and was wondering if they are calling ppl on the list already...

    To best of my recollection, I was never placed on a "pending" status. My status always said something to the effect of your application has been forwarded for department review etc... I have no idea if that's helpful or not. :(

  2. Ok, so here is what i know. I got a phone call from the Associate Director this morning, yes..on a Saturday...Anyhow, she said that they had only 24 spots available for the 2year Older Adults and Families concentration, which is the program i chose, and unfortunately the spots were filled. I'm assuming that since i didn't turn my application in until days before the deadline I missed out on getting into that. Anyhow, she was calling to let me know that I had scored high on my application and they wanted to offer me a spot in their 3 year program. There are fifty spots in that program and 30 had been filled, she was incredibly nice and gave me lots of information since I wasnt to clear on what the major differences were between the two. She did say that they had ALOT of applications and they are trying very hard to get through everything, thus the reason she was working on a Saturday. Hope that's helpful to some of you! :)

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