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  1. @snowblossom2 Thanks for this info. That sucks! I kind of assumed it went the other way. Well, I applied for Tanzania/Swahili which as in the top 5 for both country and language awards last year, but I just can't imagine anyone who applied to go there turning it down! Now I wish I hadn't waited till the night before to write the whole application! Dang! Time to make other plans Good luck with your situation! Please post and let us know how it turns out.
  2. Congrats to everyone who got awarded!!! I got alternate To those of you in my boat who aren't celebrating at the moment, any idea how the process works? Is it if someone from your country/language declines or anyone declines, and if that's the case surely they have us alternates all sorted out into some priority order that only they would know? In the email I got it says if you do not hear back from them 2 months prior to your program start date you can assume you aren't going. My start date was June (AFLI)! I would imagine the chances of being awarded as an alternate are quite slim (for the scholarship). Such a bummer!
  3. I wonder if somewhere there is a conference room full of committee members deciding our fates right now...
  4. It certainly does. This wait is miserable! I was wondering about the likelihood of getting accepted versus alternate assuming the budget email is only sent to people in either of these categories. I guess there really isn't enough data to make any kind of useful guess though. It just seems like getting alternate would be a let down too, because who would go through all of the work to apply for this and then decide not to go? That probably doesn't happen very often. Interestingly, there doesn't really seem to be any trend between research proposal or subject study or internship and getting the budget email. What do you all think? Seems like having a research proposal or internship would increase your odds, but maybe demonstrated commitment to the region and language outweighs this?
  5. Has anyone bothered to calculate the odds of budget-email-recipients being accepted based on prev. year's data?
  6. I was thinking Monday is wishful thinking and Tuesday would be nice...
  7. Thanks for reply/info (re: email verdict). Agh! The suspense is killllling me. Definitely we will hear in the next 7 days, right?! It would be easier I think if I hadn't read that bit about the budget email and how that increases your odds. That kind of made me obsess even more, and if I end up being the anomaly reject I'll be even more disappointed! Everyone, please post here as soon as you receive the email and let me know what happens! I feel for all of you, and yet I'm so glad I'm not alone in this.
  8. Hi everyone, I found you guys while searching for some...ANY... info on the status of this year's Boren apps, and am so glad to learn there is an entire thread of people dealing with the same angst! I added my stats to the spreadsheet - what a great idea! Read the entire thread from last year and found it very interesting. I guess we will hear within the next week. Gah! It is going to be a long one! Does anyone know if we get email notices as well as mail (website just says mail, but last year people got emails I think?) ? Because I'm studying abroad this sem, and the person that usually checks my mail is traveling over the next 2 weeks! o_O Good luck to everyone!!!
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