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Posts posted by trembert

  1. Hey guys!

    So I've never used GradCafe, made an account 5 minutes ago, but have heard good things about it and thought this would be the best place for quick, knowledgeable answers.

    So to cut to the chase, I was offered the NSFGRF, DoE SCGF, and NDSEG fellowships. To be honest, I'm not as knowledgeable as I should be about these, mainly because I didn't really expect to receive any of them. Some of the professors I talked to are also not super knowledgeable, so I originally accepted the NSFGRF with a one year reserve year with plans of accepting the DoE as well, such that I wouldn't receive funds concurrently but would still be able to accept both fellowships. I have found out this is not possible, and I basically need to pick one. I know it's past the NSFGRF deadline, but I've been told I'd be able to withdraw if need be.

    Long story short, which should I pick? And why? Any and every bit of information or advice would be amazing! Thanks in advance for any responses I get. My deadline to decide is this Monday, May 7!

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